I know you said don't comment here asking to be added and so I'm pushing it. However I see that your site is only for teen moms who are 13-19 well I just missed that cut off =( I'm 20. I've been looking at your site and there seem to be a lot of great girls who post. I would really love the support of other pregnant teens being that I'm still rather close to teenagerhood =). I'll understand if you want to keep the age limit strict. I didn't think it would hurt to ask this is my first pregnancy and so far it's been rather awful and I'm being looked down upon by most eevryone I know. Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you for asking first but it's okay, you can join if you really like =). When you put your age you might want to say that the mod said it's okay for you to join so you dont get attacked, not like anyone really cares, i think. Lol. :)
Hi, I see that you maintain realteenmoms and you link amipregnant in the user info. I'd like to let you know we moved to am_i_pregnant so that you could update your link :)
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