Title: A Father for a Son Rating: G Word Count (if applicable): 519 Trope: handcuffed/bound together Summary: All Merlin wants, is his father. Then he'll let the prince go. Warnings: None Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4077739
Second and Third Fill5leggedcricketJuly 22 2015, 14:27:57 UTC
Title: Ready or not, here I come! Rating: G Word Count (if applicable): 1009 Trope: kidfic + injury and illness Summary: Merlin and Will play hide-and-seek. Warnings: Minor Character Death Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4399031
Comments 2
Rating: G
Word Count (if applicable): 519
Trope: handcuffed/bound together
Summary: All Merlin wants, is his father. Then he'll let the prince go.
Warnings: None
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4077739
Rating: G
Word Count (if applicable): 1009
Trope: kidfic + injury and illness
Summary: Merlin and Will play hide-and-seek.
Warnings: Minor Character Death
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4399031
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