::+I'm in pain, people kept hitting me today and it hurt. Oh well...I hope tomorrow I'll feel better for the dance. : \
::+I got bored when I got home so yeah..here
You are SORRY ABOUT THAT- My favorite song! You
have a lot of regrets about what might have
been...you made a mistake and will pay for it
for the rest of your life. Damn that sucks!
What Alkaline Trio Song Are You! brought to you by
Quizilla {The Goth Stereotype}
Black lipstick?: Yuckie, no
Black eyeliner?: Yep
Black eyeshadow?: Sometimes
Black trenchcoat?: No
Black boots?: I have a pair
Black fishnets?: Yep
Black nail polish? Yeah, if I do paint my nails it's usually black
Cigarettes?: Meh, not anymore
Heavy metal music?: Yuckie, no way
Marilyn Manson?: A few songs are oay
Kittie?: Meh, only heard a few songs, they aren't terrible, but I probably wouldn't listen to them
Cradle of Filth?: EWWWWWW!!!!!!!! Yuckie x123408725
Constant frown and perpetual angst?: No
How do you like to be seen as?: Uh...
Are you an intellectual?: Uh...maybe?
An atheist?: Nope
Horrible home life?: Meh, it's got it's ups and down, but it's not terrible, it's good most the time
Hopelessly depressed?: I was before, but things got better
Suffering with suicidal idealations?: Last year and the year before
Self-mutilation?: Used to, haven't in a while
{The Punk Stereotype}
Plaid?: I have a pair, but I do't wear them often
Big black boots: Yet again, I have a pair
Mohawk: Awe, that would be fun : \ Mom wouldn't let me though
Excessive piercings? [Especially facial]: I have lots on my ears and my bellybutton..want my lip but can't get it until I'm 18...Crazy mother
Loud, confident and opinionated?: Yep, most the time
Wild hair colors?: Black now, I've had it redish orange before and it was blue..which turned green.
NOFX?: I don't have any CDs but if someone puts them on I'll listen
Rancid?: Yep : )
Well versed on political scandals and outrages?: Ha, no way
Wanna be punk rawker?: Yuckie, rawker is a dumb word I can't believe you asked me that : \
{The Jock Sterotype}
What's your IQ?: I duno
Do you watch a lot of sports?: No way
Play a lot of sports?: I snowboard and I play soccer good enough? Oh, I might be skateboarding when it gets warm..and I like to skate sometimes but I suck
Talk a lot about sports?: Not really, no
Do you do anything, really, but think about sports?: Yes
Are you arrogant?: Uh...
Are you a male or female whore?: is my name shannon? I KID I KID! Gee, thanks Angela...haha.
Are you homophobic?: No way
Do you tease other people a lot because you want to seem confident?: No, that's dumb
But really you're a quivering mass of insecurity?: What's with this? Damn. No
Boobs = yes?: I have them..kinda
Parties = yes?: Parties can be fun sometimes
Dropping out of high school and flipping burgers = I wouldn't
{The Nerd Stereotype}
Do you have glasses?: Yes
Ever Been kissed?: By girls and boys
RPGs?: huh?
Chess?: Chest? haha. I mean uh..no I don't like Chess
Good with computers?: Meh
Livejournal? (BE HONEST!): I heart my journal, it's fun...I bet I annoy people with how much I update too
Do you get enough sun?: Yes
Favorite video game?: Vice City
Do all your base belong to us?: Huh?
What does Mom think of your clothes?: Some she likes, some she doesn't.
Ever gotten a wedgie?: Yes, damnit Rick, that hurt : \
Ever been stuffed into something?: Hm..people have tried to throw me in garbage cans cause I piss them off
Ever gotten a swirlie?: No, that would be awesome though : ) ha, kidding
Ever had a sign on your back?: Probably
Favorite school subject?: Drama
GPA last term?: Hell if I know
{The Girl Stereotype}
Do you spend a lot of time on your appearence?: Meh, not really anymore
Have you ever been on a diet?: No..I tried to stop eating before, the fat kid in me didn't like that though/
How much did you lose?: Nothing : \
Was it not so much a diet as it was an eating disorder?: Well, I just said I stopped eating but the fat kid wouldn't let me so I guess so yes.
Make yourself throw up?: Nope
Make-up?: Yes, is there something wrong with it?
Low-cut tops?:Not usually, no
Do you flip your hair when you talk, even if you don't realize it?: I don't have enough hair to flip. hah
Giggle a lot?: Yes.
What's the deal with boys?: They have cooties!!!!
Thongs?: Yes, normal underwear pisses me off sometimes, unless it's like the shorts then it's fun
Pretty bras?: Sometimes
YM, Teen, Cosmo, et al?: Yeah I get lots of magazines, they're fun
Who's the weaker sex?: Guys
Are you a feminist?: No
Bake, sew, knit?: I've tried to sew, didn't work out too well
How often do you shave your legs?: Uh..when I shower I usually do, I don't like hairry legs.
How about your armpits?: Everytime I shower
Are you emotional?: Yes, very
Especially when on your period?: even more, yes
::+I don't have much to say right now..so I guess I'm gonna go. Bye byes.
Oh yeah!! anyone wanna come make me dinner tonight???