Sariel is one of the archangels mainly from Judaic tradition. Other possible versions of his name are Esdreel, Jariel, Juriel, Sahariel, Sarakiel, Saraqael, Seriel, Sauriel, Suriel, Surya, Suriyel, Sourial, Suruel, Surufel and Sourial. In 1 Enoch, he is one of the four holy archangels who is "of eternity and trembling". In Kabbalistic lore, he is one of seven angels of the earth. Origen identified Suriel as one of seven angels who are primordial powers. In Gnosticism, Suriel is invoked for his protective powers. Like Metatron, Suriel is a prince of presence and like Raphael, an angel of healing. He is also a benevolent angel of death, (one of a few). Suriel was sent to retrieve the soul of Moses. It is said that Moses received all his knowledge from Suriel, (although Zazagel is credited also with giving Moses his knowledge). In Cabala he is one of the seven angels that rule the earth.
According to the Book of Enoch, Sariel was one of the leaders of angels who lusted after the daughters of men. They descended to the summit of Mount Hermon, in the days of Jared, to acquire wives and lead men astray. Sariel specifically taught men about the course of the moon. Knibbs translation of the names of the Book of Enoch says it is possibly “light of God” or “moon of God” however he is listed as Araziel. His name is also listed as Arazyal and Asaradel in some 1 Enoch translations. The name being a combination of sa'ar and 'God'. In the book of 2 Enoch he is usually listed as the fourth angel with the name of Samuil or Sariel.
The angel Suriyel is briefly mentioned in the Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan as bearing Adam and Eve from the top of a high mountain to the Cave of Treasures.
"… bring what he had brought, and give it to Adam. And they did so, one by one. And God commanded Suriyel and Salathiel to bear up Adam and Eve, and bring them down from the top of the high mountain, and …" - Bible. O. T. Apocryphal books. English First Book of Adam and Eve.
In the Ladder of Jacob Sariel is dispatched by the Lord to Jacob to explain to him the meaning of the dream about the ladder.
In the Talmud he is said to have taught Rabbi Ishmael ben Elisha hygiene.[citation needed] The name Juriel is described as "An angel of the divine face or presence." which is why Sariel might be considered a possible name for Metatron.
Beta Israel writings call him "Suriel the Trumpeter" and "Suriel, the Angel of Death".
The book of Liber Juratus by Honorius of Thebes, has a number of translation which lists Saryell as being "the names of the angells of the .8. monthe that is sayde marquesnan" and Saryel as "the names of the angells of the .10. monthe (Tammuz) that is sayde thebeth be these". In a different translation Sariell is "The names of the angels of the eighth month, which is called marquesnan heshvan" and Sariel as "The names of the angels of the tenth month, which is called Tevet". The month of Heshvan marquesnan would make Sariels ruler Barfiell, or the month of Tevet would make the ruler Anael.
In The Lesser Key of Solomon it lists the dukes Asteliel and Gediel as commanding Sariel by night. The book A dictionary of angels by Gustav Davidson and The complete book of devils and demons by Leonard Ashley list Sariel as a Fallen Angel.
The University of Michigan has a section devoted to Traditions of Magic in Late Antiquity, Protective Magic, Babylonian Demon Bowls. One clay bowl Seleucia-on-Tigris, 6th or 7th century AD lists Sariel twice:
"I wrote all of the curses upon a new bowl of clay and I sent back the curses of those who cursed Negray daughter of Denday to their masters until they release and bless in the name of Sariel the angel and Barakiel the angel and in the name of Sariel and Barakiel you release from the curses of those who curse Negray daughter of Denday as a man is freed from the house of bondage and from the house of weapons amen amen selah"
Tartarus Verse
Redemption Verse
In most English Bibles, the word Tartarus is simply translated as Hell. This dark place matches the term's traditional meaning, a dark pit in which the Supreme God has cast his spirit enemies. However, it is separate from the Lake of Fire which is the place of eternal fiery punishment that most people think of when they think of "Hell".
Sariel has joined in brother in Tartarus, running jobs for Lucifer. He has reconnected with his family there and has recently been joined by Zadakiel and Jophiel. It's been revelaed that Zadakiel is actually the son of Lilith and Sariel.
The Unification Church, a sect that deviates from mainstream Christianity, teaches that Satan will be restored in the last days and become a good angel again.
If Lucifer can do it, why couldn't Sariel? This verse is based on the return to Paradise and the side of the Lord. He has rejoined his brothers and is finding his way about his faith again.BTF Verse
Mirror Verse
This Verse is based on a time before Sariel's choice to provide man with forbidden information and before giving into his lust for the daughters of men. He, along with the other Angels are the messengers and soldiers of God.
Sariel never fell, never gave into lust and was forgiven for the trespass of providing man with the forbidden knowledge. Sariel has recently come to Earth to learn and connect with the Fallen Ones. Since generally genderless Sariel has can either be seen as a young woman or a young man, depending.
When a male he prefers to be Sariel, as a female call her Surya