Hello, I'm rather new to LJ, like let's say.... 20 minutes.. Anyways I joined because I'm looking for people who Para rp Trigun.. Rather hard to find on aim, yim, msn and so on. Anyways.. Yeah.. looking for people who para rp trigun... Doesn't hurt to ask right? ~*~*~*~*~
" Thou shalt not kill! What kinda' Churchman are you anyways?!"
Hello, this is my first time in here, but I hope that you don't mind me asking a question. I hear that they make a Legato key chain and I dont know if its just a rumor or if its a true thing and if it is ture, I hope that you dont mind me asking where I can get if that is alright that I ask and all. =^-^=;;
i couldn't find it on their website to show you guys, but when i was at hot topic last weekend they had vash cosplay jackets for sale. i nearly crapped myself with delight.... but alas i'm too short and too girl to cosplay vash :D