I just watched last week's epi and I was in tears......
OMG - this show just keeps getting to me and keeps getting better and better... I think the title of the epi was *I Can't*, but really? It should have been called *Parents and Their Children*. Because it was about:
~ Mostly Becky and her mom, Cheryl (Alicia Witt, whom I have loved forever...k, yes - she was in flick w/ a certain BMcK)
How Becky was afraid to tell her that she was pregnant. I'll get back to this whole topic later b/c it was the one that resonated with me the most.......
~ Vince and his mom - OMG, breaks my heart that he has to take care of her when he is so trying to make something of himself...and then, due to GodDamn $, he goes to 'The Gangsta' who now owns him...shit shit shit
~ Jess and her dad Vernon (the esteemed Steve Harris, whom I have loved since The Practice) How she wants him to be proud of her, which? Why wouldn't he be? I think I may have missed something here. Did the mother bail on all of them and that's why he's so hard on her? But anyways, Jess gets him back into *life* both with his own boys playing football, and to connect w/ Coach and his former East Dillon pals.
~ Luke and his parents. He wants to do right by Becky, and uh-oh, his very, very Christian parents are going to be a problem for Tami next time, but she did what she was supposed to do as a *counselor* - nevermind that Becky isn't even in her school - I don't want to go here b/c so much of this is based on religion....
~ And always...always, back to Tami and Jules and Tami/Eric/Jules How wonderful was the discussion Tami had with Becky? And always in her mind is her daughter - I can so relate. That she wakes Eric up in the middle of the night, worried about Jules getting pregnant - Christ, I have so been there. And how they treated Jules and her older, Habitat-Guy-Friend. That was so right on - that he's more experienced, and WILL be moving on - though I think they may be setting us up for Julie not going to college and instead *doing good*. The whole college tour thing made us wonder if Julie wanted to go away, or go to college at all right away---and there's nothing wrong with deferring for a year.
~ Riggins....look at how he has grown. If anyone should have found himself w/ a pregnant GF you'd have thought it was Tim. And yet.....no. and WTF does he do? He tells Becky she should talk to her Mom. Several times. Tim, whose mom is...where? Tim, who has only Billy - oh yeah, great role model these days. God, I love you Tim.
ALL of the conversations rang so true and clear to me.
And now back to Becky. I don't want you to think I have ever faced this situation myself, either with me or with my daughter. But I certainly thought alot about it. I always thought, as a teenager, that abortion was a no-brainer (again, let's just set anyone's religious beliefs aside here in this discussion) I thought that would be the way to go if there was an *oops*. A slam/dunk, if you will.
Cheryl clearly wanted Becky to abort, sadly b/c of her own experience having Becky. I hope we have a little bit of Becky's misgivings for reality purposes. I know it cannot be an easy decision.
Fortunately, I never had that decision to make. Now, as a 'Mom', I wonder more about the after effects, the guilt, etc. There are 3 clear choices in my mind, once the pregnancy is a given: 1)have the baby and raise it, 2) have the baby and give it up for adoption and 3)abortion.
I'm not so sure abortion-as-a-means-of-birth-control works for me any more - and please understand; anyone who has chosen this route, I absolutely do not judge you. Every woman has to make the choice that is best for them and for their own circumstance. I just don't think now, knowing what I know, I could have either had the child and given it away, or aborted it. And yet, OMG, raising a child as a teen or an unmarried mom - that makes your life SOOOOOOOOOOOO much harder. And I know so many adoptees and adoptive parents whose lives are richer by far than what *could* have been....................
I am still so affected by this episode. The realism on this show is beyond description. I so very much hope they win at least 1 or 2 Emmys..............what a marvelous family show this is.
Talk to me ---I miss you guys!