The Santa Suit (Supernatural, Sam/Dean, #27 - give)

Jan 01, 2011 14:54

Title: The Santa Suit
Author/Artist: my_sam_dean
Character/Pairing: Sam/Dean
Fandom: Supernatural
Theme: 27 - give
Disclaimer: I own nothing Supernatural.
Warnings: Slash, incest

“What would you like for Christmas, little boy?”

“A new book in Latin,” Sammy’s face lit up.

“Uh, a book in Latin?”

“Yeah. Don’t the elves make those?”

Santa looked down into the boy’s concerned face. “Sure, kid. We just don’t get to give them as presents very often.”

“Thank you , Santa!” he threw his arms around Santa’s neck and squeezed for all he was worth.

Santa laughed at the enthusiasm. “No, thank you, Sammy. Getting me this suit was a great idea. Especially with the easy-access pockets. Want to feel?”

Sam blushed almost the same shade red as Santa. “Yes.”

Dean shifted so his pockets were visible. Sam snaked a hand inside.

“You’re naked!”

“What did you expect? You got this for me. It’s not like it’s a rented suit.”

“Can you imagine how gross those are? I’m sure at least some folks used them like we are.”

“So it would be like some of the motels we stayed in?”

“Gross, Dean!”

“I’m just saying--” Sam jumped off Dean’s lap. “Hey! I didn’t mean anything by it!”

“I know. It’s just that we’ve done the ‘Sitting on Santa’s Lap’ scenario and I’d like to move on to ‘Santa Visits Sammy in the Bedroom‘.”

“Okay.” Dean chased Sam into the other room. “How many of these little plots do you have in planned out?”

“Quite a few. I had to make the suit worth it.”

#27: give, fandom: supernatural

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