Title: Better Than Mace
misheardCharacter/Pairing: Gulcasa, Luciana, Nessiah
Fandom: Yggdra Union
Theme: #35: hunger
"So... Nessiah is a thousand years old fallen angel and actually the progenitor of the Fantasinian royal line. Is that what you're telling me?" Gulcasa asked.
"That's exactly it," Luciana replied.
He rubbed his forehead. "How do you know something like that?"
"He told me," she stated as if it were obvious.
Turning to the accused, Gulcasa asked, "Nessiah?"
"She was making drunken advances towards me and would not be stopped except by force or telling her that we were related." Nessiah's face was a light shade of red.
Gulcasa turned back. "Luciana?"
"You're not interested in anybody, I don't get along with Leon, and Baldus is too old," Luciana answered calmly. "Nessiah is really the only option."
"I'm not interested in anyone either, you simply care less about my opinion," Nessiah grumbled.
She stifled a giggle. "You have to admit, he is cute."
"Yes, he is," Gulcasa agreed without thinking. "Could we focus on him being an angel now? That seems like it might be important to talk about."