Title: Bubbliness
salmon_pink Pairing: Sora/Ariel
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Theme: #13 We All Float On
Rating: G
Words: 319
He can do this. Sora balls his hands into fists, shoulders squared, ready for the challenge. He can do this.
He keeps his eyes on the target, focused and sure, surges forward, and somehow manages to speed straight into the cavern wall.
“Wow,” Ariel comments, polite enough to hide her giggle behind her hand. “I think you’re actually worse at this than you were the first time around.”
Sora blinks the starfish out of his vision and sighs. “I was sure I had it that time,” he groans, giving his tail a flick. He keeps getting mixed up, shooting upwards when he means to sink down.
Swimming with a set of fins is hard, and he knows he’s managed it in the past, so it should be easy. But it isn’t, and he has a bump on his head to prove it.
“Come on,” Ariel grins, and she takes his hand, tugs him out into the current. “I know you can do this, Sora. Just watch what I do.”
Her body undulates through the water, all that bare skin and the shimmering scales of her tail, and Sora nods his head distractedly, trying to look at her without looking at her. Except that’s impossible, because she’s even more beautiful than he remembers.
Donald’s magic means they don’t feel the intense cold of the ocean, experiencing nothing more than a pleasant chill, but Sora still feels like his whole body is heating up as Ariel spins in front of him, hair flowing out around her.
“See if you can keep up,” Ariel coaxes, and then she’s leaning closer, pressing a kiss to Sora’s flushed cheek, eyes alight with mischief.
Sora’s gasp is embarrassingly loud.
“Catch me and you’ll get another,” Ariel winks, floating backwards, beckoning him with her tail.
Sora can do this, and he grins, courage bolstered, determined to win another kiss.
He promptly swims headfirst into a boulder.