The GearUp4CF ride is underway!

Jun 26, 2014 09:28

Day 6 of the 1200 km GearUp4CF bike ride takes the riders over Kootenay Pass, the highest elevation of roadway in Canada. Check out Bill's blog for a daily accounting of the challenges and highlights This is a photo of the start on Day 1, leaving Crescent Beach near Vancouver with over 120 riders for the 100 km ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

knock, knock... julia_arthuro February 26 2015, 10:18:00 UTC
knock, knock...
we are here all the time and we are impressed by what you do, we will never forget Eva and her legacy...
she is here...
we are here...
Arthuro & Julia


this birthday silverplate88 March 31 2015, 20:45:02 UTC
Today is 31 March 2015, it's Eva's thirty-first birthday.
She's 31 today.

As she told us, "I will live forever in the hearts of those who love me."

And she is, and she has, and she will -- also in and through the lives of everyone whom she has touched. Yours and mine. Without boundaries, without end.


seraphempyre July 8 2020, 16:24:32 UTC
I'm cleaning up my livejournal.
Could you please remove/defriend me?


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