What a Wonderful Day in the Neighborhood....

Sep 19, 2005 15:54

Look at the beauties that arrived in the mail today!

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Comments 12

jasminetoad September 19 2005, 19:57:01 UTC
Oh wow! I hadn't seen Nedda's before - those are gorgeous!


67_chevelle September 19 2005, 19:59:30 UTC
Thanks Jasmine! I wanted to say... I got the three minis today and I am so amazed by the details you manage to get into those tiny paintings. The Halloween ones sure have put me into a Halloweeny Mood! LOL I feel so lucky to have been able to snatch them. :)


jasminetoad September 19 2005, 20:00:56 UTC
Awesome! Happy to hear they arrived safe and sound!


weetzie_baby September 19 2005, 20:07:00 UTC
Ahhhh such beautious Nedda art!! What perfect things to have arrive in the mail box. ^_____________^!!


67_chevelle September 19 2005, 20:18:39 UTC
They're the first Nedda art I've ever gotten and I'm so pleased with them. They are even more beautiful in person if that is possible. :)


caitygrl96 September 19 2005, 20:19:26 UTC
Beautiful!! I didn't see Nedda's portrait. KC is such a beautiful model!! You should have a room dedicated to the shrine of KC - that is awesome!!!!
Post a picture of you!!!


67_chevelle September 19 2005, 20:25:32 UTC
Yeah, Nedda's was a special she had prior to going on her trip. I don't think she posted the portraits she did yet. K.C. is loving all the beautiful portraits. She looks at them in awe and then always says..."I wish I was that pretty". LOL

A pic of me? I hardly ever get my pic taken. Don't want to break the camera. I did post some wayyyyyy back in lj. If I can locate that post I'll post it for ya. :)


caitygrl96 September 19 2005, 20:41:20 UTC
I want to see!!!! or you can just email me =)


shyfayrie September 20 2005, 05:26:29 UTC
Oooh yay!!! Im so glad they got there fast!!! :)


67_chevelle September 20 2005, 19:16:44 UTC
Oh yeah, they arrived fast and safe!!!! K.C. is tickled to death with them Nedda!!!


princess_lilam September 20 2005, 19:03:17 UTC
Those are all new to me
Wow, KC is a real proper model isnt she!? HAs she ever thought of doing something proffessional?
I really love her face too but I see so many people painting her that I dont want to do it because they might think I am just copying them :(
The first one is very nice, its so gothic looking, I am sure KC loves it to death.


67_chevelle September 20 2005, 19:19:01 UTC
She's probably too shy to be a model. LOL She acts all rough and tough but she is really shy in front of people she doesn't know. :)

You can paint her any time. One good thing about K.C. is that she is like a chameleon and seems to change in appearance with each photo. LOL


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