So one of my really good friends, Jared, came in town this week. He got shipped away to boarding school when I didn't know him too well then I started hanging out with him a lot through Jorin and Amrita. Well he's a very fine looking young man and so me and Amrita were talking to eachother about how nice it'd be to hook up with him. She told me about how they'd made out once before but that he never does hook ups so it's not worth persuing. I kept that in mind but still told her I wanted to hook up with him. So last night we took him up to starbucks and chilled for a bit then went over to a friends house to eat some yummy pumpkin pie. It was no big thing. The only even slightly interesting thing was that me and Jared were waiting on Amrita to show up and it was humid outside and he told her to hurry up so we could do something because I was hot. Then, when he hung up the phone he was like "oh shit, I hope she doesn't think that I was saying you looked hot" and I jokingly replied "what are you talking about? I'm hot shit" and he leaned in and said "yeah you are"
Now, none of that is very much considering the flirting build up I went through during the whole Jorin fiasco so I don't think that much of it.
Today, he invited me and Amrita over to go hot tubbing. So I went and did that. We smoked a bowl in the tub and then Amrita had to leave to go grocery shopping for turkey day. So he and I went inside, changed back into clothes, and had a few mixed drinks together (when I say a few, I mean 2 glasses of vodka and orange juice each). And all day just to tease him, I'd been poking him so later he got up to put away our glasses and I stretched out over the couch and took up the whole thing just to be a dick. He comes back in the living room, sees me stretched out and is like "Oh I'm getting my revenge" and leans over. I grabbed his shirt to push him away and he started to tickle me so I jerked my hands back to try and get his hands off. He ended up toppling over the couch on top of me and kept tickling me for a while. Then we both stopped and he lifted himself up like he was going to get off of me and came back down and started kissing me.
Well, I decided to go for it because Amrita said he never hooks up with people and here he was, making out with me. One thing led to another and we ended up fooling around in the shower together. When it was over we talked and decided we were just going to stay friends and leave it at that. So we watched some TV and then he had to go help his mom put up christmas lights and my friends were calling me, wondering where I was.
So later, I texted amrita and told her because I always tell her things. She texted back saying 'sounds like you guys had fun' About five minutes later I get a call from Jared asking if I told amrita because she was pissed off at him. So I told him that I did and that I didn't know why she'd be so mad about it because to my knowledge she was fine with me hooking up with him. So I call her and she says she doesnt want to talk and she hung up rather than answer me if she was mad or not. Jared called me again later and said he finally talked to Amrita and that she'd apparently had a thing for them ever since they first hooked up and was angry at me for hooking up with him and thought less of him for hooking up with me.
Now I'm stuck in this perdicament where she wont talk to me and I don't know what to do about it.