So I was typing a paper for creative writing and got hungry, so I went into the pantry and I see a small box of raisins from forever ago and was like "well I don't see an experation date, so I'll try them." They tasted fine, a little hard but alright. Then I get down to the bottom of the box and look in and there's a pile of fucking maggots at the bottom of the raisin box! I spat out all the raisins and there were maggots in them, which means there were maggots in my mouth. I ran into the bathroom and threw up for nearly thirty minutes until I was just dry heaving then ate toothpaste which made me throw up even more then brushed my teeth. When I came back into my room with a paper towel to clean up the raisins and maggots, I started dry heaving again and didn't stop until I threw everything away. I'm sure that no one really wanted to hear that, but it was just fucking gross. It happened like two hours ago but I'm still shaking and I'm so freaked out that I might've missed some of the maggots in my room that I had to go to the opposite side of the house. My stomach hurts really bad now and I don't know if it's because I threw up so much or if it's because there are fucking maggots in my stomach. Either way, this fucking sucks.