Title: Danger Days- The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys
6_pack_apathyPairing: Gerard/Ray Mikey/Frank
Rating: R
POV: 3rd- Gerard-centric
Summary: Our fabulous Killjoys discover that art is the weapon and use it to take down Better Living Industries
Disclaimer: This is entirely a work of fiction, none of the characters or events are true.
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Comments 10
I'm glad that you liked it :D
I was so happy to see that you updated ^^
and I just have to say, Gerard freaking out at the needle and kicking Ghoul in the face was funny as all hell xD
I loved this chapter and I can't wait for the next one, whenever it might come out ^^
Once again, I'll hopefully have the next one out sooner. I like to try and update at least once a week, hopefully I'll be able to stick to that schedule in the future.
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I should be back for a bit, I don't forsee any delays for the next week - things might be problematic when I go on spring break but I might try and do two updates in the next week to make up for it <3
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I originally wanted my story to parallel the music videos almost exactly except I feel like that's not happening now/isn't going to happen. Still, Korse knows how to hit Ray where it hurts.
Glad you liked that bit of Gerard/Ray action, I feel like it seems a little random right now but I'll be tying it up nicely in the next chapter.
I'm going to be trying hard to keep the constant updates coming, things are winding down now at school so everything should be okay for the next few weeks at least (aside from spring break but I'll figure something out for that)
Oh man, poor Poison! It’s both awful and kinda hilarious to see him flail at the needle.
Ooo, plotty stuff! Operation Killjoy, eh? Interesting. Aaaand creepy Korse is creepy. Does make sense that it’s quite personal for him tho.
Aww, it really fits the ‘verse - they’re injured and pretty fucked up and they kiss. Sweet and rough. :) And I totally don’t mind that the story doesn’t really parallel the videos. It takes details and stuff from them, but there’s a different take on the story. I like that.
Expect Poison to be teased for the rest of the story because of his fear of needles <3
I'm glad that you liked everything, thank you for reading. I'm glad too that I'm not staying with the music videos exactly, that would be boring
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