WARNING: Spoilers ahead. Click at your own risk.
How it sucked.
1. Everyone's english voices were shit! Nothing like the ones in the anime.
2. The ending was ssssssooooooo sad... Manga was totally better.
3. Karou changed for the worst! She acted like a regular japanese woman! It's not right!!!!
4. Probily the most funny thing was when Yahiko did something.. I can't even remember! It was that stoopid!
5. Yahiko didn't even call Karou BUSU! like OMFG!!
6. Both Kenji and Kenshin left Karou all alone!
7. Enishi freaked me out... 0o..
8. the battle with Jin'e totally changed... like it was so wrong.. *shakes head*
How it was good.
1. I liked the animation, YAY no pointy noses!
2. All the KxK moments were totally kawaii!!! *squee*
3. I got the directiors cut for $10 less than i would for the original :D
4. Kenji was a freakishly kawaii baby *huggles baby kenji*
5. Kenshin and Karou make out scene! :D
It was good, but I was totally expecting better.
My rantings have ended now.