I'm bored...

May 29, 2005 17:45

Yea.. So I decided to write up some stuffz about me, just in case I go friends only.. I'm thinkin bout it :P

*10 Things I Love(No order)*
1. Anime
2. Friends
3. Computer
4. Sports
5. Alec
6. Summer
7. Music
8. Outdoors
9. Me
10. Pocky

*5 Songs I Love(No order)*
1. Crash And Burn by Savage Garden
2. Right Now by SR 71
3. This Is Your Life by Switchfoot
4. Butterfly by SmileDK
5. The FMPF Opening Song

*5 Things I'm Lookin 4 In a Guy(1=Best, 10=not so much)*
1. Friendly
2. Can Keep w/ how hyper I am
3. Play sports wit me
4. Isn't TOTALLY ugly
5. Speeks his mind and tells the truth

*10 Annoying Things(No order)*
1. Cheerleaders(I feel SO embarassed that I was one ><)
2. Negative People("Jeez, life sux, i'm gonna commit scuside(sp?:P)
3. Hilary Duff
4. Jesse McCartny
5. ppl that keep secrects from meh..T_T
6. Younger kids that think they're better then EVERYONE
7. Kikyou/Kagome Haters/Lovers
8. People that always complagin
9. My Brother...
10. Songs that get stuck in my head(OUT WITH YOU! BURN, BURN I SAY!!)

*My top 5 Fav nicknames(1=best, 10=not so much)*
1. Nikki(plain and simple)
2. Ni-chan(who came up wit dis again?)
3. Beautiful(Alec's so sweet x3)
4. Kiddo(Alec's daddy xD)
5. Nikki-t(lol, justin weird)

*My BESTEST BESTEST Best Friends in the world!!(No order, that be WAYYY too hard!)*
1. Sydnee
2. Gaby
3. Melanie
4. Bobo-kun
5. Ugly/Alec
6. Carter B.(SC)
7. Carter H.(WI)
8. Justin
9. Josh
10. Katlyin
11. Bri
12. Tyler
13. Ryan
14. Ryne
15. AJ
16. Jose
17. John
18. David
19. Courtney
20. Zach
21. Avery
22. Ashley D.
23. Austin
24. Ashley J.
25. Baily
26. Hialy (Not Hayley, morons, she's a slut)
27. MEEEEE!!!!!
28. Aerial
29. Drake
30. Sam
31. Maeve
0o.. wow.. lotsa friends x3

*People that I hate that suck monkey balls*
2. Hayley
3. Hayley
4. Hayley
5. Hayley
I'm Not very hateful.. so only her.. *mutters*bitch..

Your Ultimate Purity Score Is... CategoryYour Score Average Self-Lovin'81.7%
Never taken out of the packaging 65.1%Shamelessness90.5%
Has yet to see self in mirror 79.2% Sex Drive 97.4%
The Pope is envious77.6%Straightness91.1%
Just go fuck something, okay? 44.4% Gayness 100%
Fucking Sick100%
You are 91.82% pure
Average Score: 72.6%

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