I truly don't see when we are going to hang out at this rate, faliohomikeenn.
I was supposed to work on saturday but I realized that was rediculous and luckily, due to Tom's awesomeness, I am no longer working saturday. This hopefully means that on friday night I go camping somewhere awesome. I want to go back to the beach but pretty much I have to camp in or near medford if I want to go see Aiyana in the morning. Ahh well.
I spent the night up here last night, wednesday night that is. Tonight Aiyana was supposed to drive to cj to see me, well, plans got befuddled and so she had to go home before I got off work so I decided just to stay up here another night. My shower was very haphazard.
Oh, so back to last night. It was fun, we stayed up playing golf, it was a large group, all of the new girls played, and it was also Elizabeth, Jim, Jeremy, and I. I think that was it. Anyway, after that Jeremy and I watched tv for a while, then intended on going to sleep. That plan failed, but it was an enjoyable loss of sleep.3.
This morning my mother was supposed to come up at 9, so I waited in the visitors center from 9-10 when she showed up. We went and had breakfast, it was really nice. Then she watched Dave's mountain lion program. I then took her for a short walk and then for a short tour through the first half of the cave. Then she took my 1:15 tour, and seemed to actually enjoy it.
I just ate a pickled okra, it was not very good.
Anyway, I have high expectations for tonights events, I pretty much love Jim. He is making cookies right now, he is so funny. Gah, so funny. Oh, this morning David and I watched part of Shakespeare in Love, we finished it this evening.
The end.