(no subject)

Nov 30, 2004 23:45

[1]Name: Jake Muscat
[2]Age: 17
[3]Sex: penis
[4]Current Location: Adelaide City, Australia
[5]Marital Stats: I ain't married, no not just yet
[6]Top 10 favorite 77 bands:
[x]sex pistols
[x]the clash
[x]dead boys
[x]generation x
[x]the damned
[x]sham 69
[x]xray spex
[x]uk subs
[7]What shows have you been to? we get crap all international acts down here, i go to all the local shows that are on and whenever another bands comes that i like i go see them aswell
[8]Are you in involved in your local scene? How?: yeah, i sing in a band and play guitar in another and other than that i just am a part of the scene
[9]When did you Start Getting into 77? when my dad showed me the ramones when i was about 9
[13]One Song that Represents YOU? ramones - i don't wanna grow up
[14]Other than 77 What Else are you into? name atleast non 77 bands.
the casualties, rancid, u.s. bombs, distillers, dropkick murphys, flogging molly, nerve agents, leftover crack, lars & the bastards, transplants, tiger army...heaps more
....Your Own Opinions:....
-Who was the Best and Worst band in 77 or Related Era: best - sex pistols...worst - there were shit loads of crappy bands
-One Person You Admire The MOST in era: Johnny Rotten
-What did you Dislike and Liked about the Era: disliked - when being punk started becoming the cool thing...liked - the origination of the 1st punks
-What Do you Think about these People, How much Are they a influence to 77, How Important They are in YOUR life, and Last Name some bands that Are Influenced by these Guys and Gals:not very
Sue Catwoman: i like to think that her style deffinatelty effected my thoughts on dress codes
Johnny thunders: didnt really effect me
Sid Vicious: effected me majorly cos he was the absolute "fuck you" punk
The Clash: are one of the biggest influences in my life
Poly Styrene: didnt effect me

[x]Fashion: i enjoy d.i.y fashion to its greatest extent but if youre gonna go out and buy something that it looks like you made youre a wanker
[x]Abortion: depends on the mothers situation in health and in life but it should not be used as a form of birth control
[x]Skins,Punx,sXe and Overnight Punks: theyre all fine by me except overnight punks...fuck them if they think its just a fad
[15]Why do You think your right for this Community? well probably because im well into 77 punk i guess

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