Jul 11, 2004 01:45
ya its a sat night and i sleep from when i got home at like 1030 to 800 tonight... ya i was tired from pulling that all nighter!!! then those ppl showed up and we had to go! ummm what else has hapened to me? i "fu..." nevermind ask matt he knows im tired of telling... late
Jul 08, 2004 01:32
ppl i aint been up to jack shit!!! just wake up at like 3 or 4 then call ann and matt... lately theres been a hippie, tom's mom freaking everyone out, and chillin with ann at that house... late
Jul 03, 2004 04:44
matt and ppl, we need to hangout for 4th of july... will ur dad lemme hang with yall matt? get ann to say she wants me so ur dad might let me. im gonna call u tommorow afternoon or evening... late
Jul 01, 2004 23:39
wow david just told me the most disgusting thing i've ever heard. he's a biker and chase asked if riding in those races hurts ur nutz after 4 hours of riding and he used one word, "spandex". thats a lil much so i decided to share with u ppl... late
Jun 30, 2004 01:44
ppl u have no idea how much i love this day!!! this day is my gift from god cause the house is completely empty all mothafucking day long so i stock up tuesday night and live it up wednesday... which ill start now. but ya me and meagan gonna destory the mall in july... late
Jun 28, 2004 02:29
so ya tonight was fucking horrible and great... fun but scary... under control but risky as hell!!!! hope everything worked out and gets fixed... peace
Jun 25, 2004 01:57
yes sir!!! i got this journal completely figured out, i got some friends & a profile!!! but other than that i chilled with matt today which work out great with ur parents. late
Jun 24, 2004 02:26
i have finally figured out this dam thing out... but ya other than that i aint up to much.