Title: Downtime (1)
tinx_rFandom: Riptide
Genre/Rating: PG
Pairing/Characters: Nick/Cody
oddmonsterNotes/Warnings: Drabble
Summary: The beginning of a long weekend on the water...
The beers are cool in my hands, nice after the heat of the day, and the galley's cool and dark. The boat's rocking gently, the deep water rock that means we're far from the harbor, far from friends and neighbors and everyone else, just me and Nick. The way it should be.
He's on deck, watching the ocean, waiting for me, and knowing that's a warm, full feeling deep inside me. I step outside into the sunset's orange glow, the mild breeze just breaking the heat of the day.
He turns and smiles. That smile holds everything I'll ever need.
**There's more to this by my dearest co-author
Find it here