they do, but my burns weren't as severe as they could have been. i had first degree burns on my face and second degree on my left ear. i'm not healed, healed, because i still have to stay out of the sun and wear sunscreen as well as keep my face protected from extreme cold. also on the spots that i were burned their is discoloration, so it will take awhile for me to get back my regular coloring in those areas. thank you!
congrats on recovering so quickly ;~; though i don't want you to strain too much! i'm happy for your return as well at the fact that you'll be getting more rest! >:D (hugs)
i am happy as well. i didn't think it was going to be so quick, but i'm glad i don't have to put that ointment on. i just have to keep the areas moisturized and protect myself from extreme heat, such as the sun and extreme cold. (hugs)
girl, what did you do to yourself? I'm glad you're okay now. Just put some kind of ointment to prevent scarring. And update whenever you feel like updating. :D
Comments 10
i am glad that it's not a serious burn too. i thought burns heal slowly but that might just be me.
i hope your muse sneaks up onto you a lot but at times of convenience! ^.^
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