
Mar 03, 2004 08:56

Ok, I have been having the worst week ever. I realized that my mom and I just dont get along at all, AT ALL! And I am lacking so much sleep its kinda funny(the fact that I find it funny might tell you how much). But today I have to stay after for Math Meet, then talk to my teacher about my research project then I have to leave- pick up Erik- and ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

PSH kittywithnoname March 3 2004, 17:13:55 UTC
HAH! you're funny..college only gets harder, with more work and less sleep..so really just think of it this way, YOU'LL BE USED TO IT!!! hehehe..*is also lacking sleep, if you hadn't noticed*


Re: PSH 7soldier March 4 2004, 06:19:09 UTC
Cha I know, but if I wait a year before going to college- which is something I am seriously considering doing- then I can at least sleep in a little. Well, depending where I get a job...


greyfox430 March 4 2004, 06:00:44 UTC
it was fun


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