Title: "Slytherin's Secret"
the_woods_ Rating: PG
Prompt: "so shaken as we are"
Pairing(s): Theodore/Hermione, Draco
Word Count: 1,023
Summary: Some moments of truth.
Warnings: -
Chapter One, Part One: (
Someone was ranting about Mudbloods and blood traitors in the Slytherin common-room, again. )
Chapter One, Part Two:
He didn’t like the way Granger started to stare at him when she thought he wasn’t looking. It was unnerving, and not in a tingly sort of way. At the end of the first week, Theodore made his way to the Great Hall for a late lunch. As soon as he passed through the two large doors, her eyes found his. He glared. She looked back to her Gryffindor friends and he made his way to the Slytherin table in a foul mood.
Blaise looked up from his meal as Theodore sat down. “Knickers in a bunch again, Nott?”
Pansy smirked. Theodore rolled his eyes and grabbed a piece of bread from Blaise’s plate. “Granger keeps staring at me.”
Both Pansy and Blaise looked across the Great Hall towards the Head Girl. Granger was looking at Theodore’s back.
“Maybe she just wants to sex you up,” Pansy offered sarcastically.
Draco interrupted the conversation by plopping down next to Theodore. “Who’s sexing who up?”
“Granger wants Nott,” Pansy said with a smirk. Draco grinned mischievously and laughed. Theodore took a sip from his drink.
“Out of all the birds at Hogwarts, it’s the Mud-” Blaise stopped himself mid-sentence. A brief silence surrounded the group. Draco scowled.
“Oh, come off it,” he grumbled. “Why do we have to stop using words that’ve been in existence for Merlin knows how long?” He stood up on the bench and took a seat on the table. Theodore rubbed his right temple and closed his eyes, awaiting Draco’s recklessness. He was just glad there were very little students in the area, and no professors around.
“Oi, Granger!” Draco called out. Theodore looked at Blaise and Pansy, who were both watching Draco with grins on their faces. “Word is you feel like shagging Theo senseless!”
All of the Slytherin table except for Theodore laughed in response. Granger’s jaw dropped. Potter stood up in her defense. “Take that back, you git!”
“Why? It’s not an insult to Granger,” Pansy snickered.
“Yeah, if anything I’ve just humiliated poor Theo over here,” Draco continued. “I mean shagging a Mudblood is one thing, but shagging Granger?”
Theodore turned around in time to catch the riled look on her face. She stood up dramatically and practically marched out of the Great Hall. Weasley, the younger one, followed her best friend out as Potter made his way towards the Slytherin table.
“Why’d you say that to Hermione?” Potter asked Draco rather threateningly. Draco hopped off the table and stood in front of him. “She doesn’t even know Nott.”
“She thinks she does,” Theodore finally spoke. “Just like the rest of you.”
Potter blinked. “What do you mean?”
“We’re constantly being persecuted for things we had very little control over,” Pansy stated.
He looked to Pansy, then Draco. “So nobody’s got any sympathy for the Slytherins,” Potter mocked. “Boo hoo.”
A few other Gryffindors Theodore recognized from the battlefield as well as from various classes made their way over to join Potter. Theodore left the scene before it escalated. He came across Granger and Weasley sitting by a window. The redhead patted her friend’s hand. “Harry’s probably giving them a piece of his mind,” she offered as comfort.
Granger smiled. “Ron would, too, if he were here.”
A silence draped upon them and suddenly Theodore was uncomfortable watching. He felt as though he was invading something private, something sacred he had no right to witness. He backed away and headed for the library, anxious for some time to himself.
It was a curious thing, the subtle changes in people after the war. He first noticed it in Draco, during their talk among the Malfoy Manor gardens. Anxious to engage head on with anything and anyone in his way, the blond tried to find any excuse for a fight. Theodore speculated it was because of his first mission; because he proved to be a failure in the Dark Lord’s eyes, it seemed as though Draco aimed to prove his worth through aggression.
Along with Draco and Theodore, Blaise, Pansy, and a few other Slytherins were ordered to fight along side grown Death Eaters in the final battle of Hogwarts. Pansy had become shellshocked within the first hour. Luckily Blaise was there to talk her out of it. “It’s either us or them, Pans,” he kept repeating. Theodore fired spells left and right from within their barricaded classroom. Death Eaters-he didn’t count himself as one, even if he bore the Dark Mark-had told them all to aim for the kill. Instead, Theodore fired spells that proved harmful, but not fatal. He had tried to keep him and his friends safe; they needed to reach the Room of Requirement and meet up with Draco and his crew.
“I don’t want to be here,” Pansy had shrieked suddenly, clawing at Blaise in a fit of hysteria. She started to yell and cry rather loudly. Theodore felt outside of the situation as Blaise tried to comfort her.
“None of us want to be here,” Blaise explained, grabbing hold of the girl. “But we have to fight. It’s either us or them.”
It initially surprised Theodore when the two didn’t immediately start dating after the war. Upon closer observation, they had a different kind of bond: a connection between friends, strengthened by the fact they had both been thrown into a war they did not want to fight. Unlike Draco and himself, Blaise and Pansy were entirely unsure of how to act during their one and only battle. They only knew how to depend on each other.
Theodore stepped out of his thoughts as he crossed the threshold of the library. He spotted the familiar faces of a Ravenclaw, two Hufflepuffs, and Madam Pince. The librarian watched him even closer now that the war was over, and her hawk-eyes never left his back as he chose a table to sit at. Taking out a book, some parchment, ink and a quill, Theodore kept his head low and continued his outside research on Salazar Slytherin’s secret.