Title: A Hangover You Do Deserve
cryogeniaCharacters: Edward and Heiderich
Rating: PG-13 (Gen, Humor)
Prompt: Set 5, #2: the blind leading the blind
Word Count: 1978
Summary: Heiderich has been looking for a way to get his roommate to open up. He finds it in his new best friend - a bottle of vintage German Rum.
If it were possible he would marry it, but he was certain rum like this was too high-class for a commoner like him. )
Comments 14
That's the point where I went from snickering to myself to laughing out loud. Ed sucking the rum out of his sleeve left me gasping for breath. Very funny!
That is the absolute win. Yay for Drunk!Ed.
Ahaha, America. And Fonzy's "I'll be good" squeak. So much drunken win...why can't I get drunk with friends like that and find out they're from another world? *tear* And your new icon is teh ultimate awesome sauce.
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