Title: Ribbon Pairing: Roy/Riza, Riza-centric this time. Genre: Drabble (x4) Rating: PG for nudity. Disclaimer: Don't own, don't shoot. Or sue. A/N: <3 for Sutlers who is a spectacular beta and rocks my rotten punctuation liek woe.
wow, another lovely story from you. I really enjoyed this, too; three different scenes that tie together like the ribbon title.
The only thing I would personally change is the cocoa packets - I'm sure that hot chocolate would've been made by scraping dark chocolate into milk with sugar and vanilla and heating it on the stove (loves it that way). Other than that, just a wonderful story.
This is beautiful. The use of the ribbon, and the different ways she thinks about her skin and her scars combined to make it a very interesting story.
I agree with ELD about the cocoa - the packets took me out of the story a little bit. I think you could make it a tin of cocoa and have it fit the time period better, because packets of instant anything have only been around for 30-40 years.
Comments 3
The only thing I would personally change is the cocoa packets - I'm sure that hot chocolate would've been made by scraping dark chocolate into milk with sugar and vanilla and heating it on the stove (loves it that way). Other than that, just a wonderful story.
I agree with ELD about the cocoa - the packets took me out of the story a little bit. I think you could make it a tin of cocoa and have it fit the time period better, because packets of instant anything have only been around for 30-40 years.
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