
May 29, 2011 21:18

[ private | UNHACKABLE ]

It's nearly been a month since we hid away that damn Horcrux and I still can't stop thinking about it. I keep having dreams about The way it felt I hate it. It's like Tom's here again but this time it's exactly the Tom I knew when I was eleven. I only held it for a few minutes but that was probably enough for it to feel me out. I can't stop wondering if the diary left its mark on me and the locket can tell. I can't stop wondering what'll happen if we don't destroy it. What if I can't stay away from

There's no Chamber for me to open here. No roosters to strangle.

I know better now. I know how those things work. I know why it was so easy for the diary to take me. I won't let it happen again. I won't.

Summer used to be my favourite season. This one's shaped up to be just as terrible as the last. At least my shoulder's finally stopped hurting. I need to stop writing these. Too much like the diary. Too bloody much. But there's no one else I can tell. No one here but Hermione knows about the diary and it's better she doesn't know how much this bothers me. She's got enough to worry about. I can't

I hate this place.


Sometimes, if you've been here long enough, you start to forget about the things at home. Or-well, maybe forget isn't the right word, but-they sort of slip to the back of your mind. The things you have to do, I mean. The things you were in the middle of right before the City decided it was time for a holiday in another world... or whatever.

And it's sort of awful because when you start to realise it, you realise how long it's been since you've thought about all that still needs doing, and then you can't believe you even let yourself forget in the first place. Well. Not forget. I could never forget it.

But you get comfortable and before you know it, you're being reminded by some key bit of the war just showing up and slapping you across the face. Not that I'm the one meant to destroy it, but I'm still fighting. I'm still fighting. Merlin knows I couldn't ever consider this place home and I know I've still got loads to do in my world. But I haven't been back in so long, so thinking of this place first and home second is only natural, isn't it, because here's where you're living for the time being.

Maybe too much flying's a bad thing after all-I get to thinking about too many things. Sort of a weird thing to think about, I suppose.

what big brother doesn't know, diaries are evil but privacy is needed, it's a quiet angst, a chamber's worth of secrets, the war, 05, stupid noble reasons, home, be a gryffindor, hermione

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