[ private | UNHACKABLE | recorded 6 Jan, 11:52 PM ]
[When the feed switches on, it's silent. There's a faint sound like someone is about to speak, a half-syllable slipping out every few seconds, but it's as if the speaker can't find the right words and gives up. The audio cuts out.
The audio comes back but this time, it's in the middle of something being thrown and making contact with a flat surface, nothing breaking, though the thrower would be more satisfied if there was. There's a ragged sound of something deeper, more raw, and a thud that could be a fist to a desk or a back to a wall.]
-keeps taking people from us! When can we go too? When can I? When? I want-
[The audio cuts out again. This time, when it comes back, it's returned to silence, but there's something muffled in the background that sounds suspiciously like someone trying to catch their breath and struggling to do it through tears. But that can't be right because Ginny Weasley is rarely weepy. The device records for a few long moments, then stops.]
Finnick, Angela, Ron, Peter and his sisters and Caspian, Claire, Fred.
I don't want to add his name to that list. I can't. I thought it would be better this time, isn't that what they say-third time's the charm? It felt better. Maybe that was my mistake. I let myself get comfortable, I let myself hope. I had family, I had friends, it was perfect. Stupid. Stupid. But maybe I knew this would happen in the end. Maybe I just didn't want to admit that. He always has to go back and save or fix things, doesn't he, it's just like always. I shouldn't be surprised.
He more than kept his promise, though. The one he couldn't have known he'd keep at all. But he did. He made it to December, made it through December, so... You've no obligations left to me, Harry Potter. Not here. You've got to be the Boy Who Lived for a while longer, I think; I said as much last night, didn't I? I reckon these past few months have made up for the past few years in the City.
I'm sorry I lied to you. I knew only one of us could go through. But you asked, how could I say no and have us argue before you left? And of course I hoped it would work, even then. But it didn't. It didn't. I can't ask him to come back any more than I can ask the others. It's selfish. But Fred deserves the time here. With us. They all have things to do. And if what people say about the City is right, he won't be missing me at all, or even cross that I didn't come along with him. Because I'll be right there on the other side, won't I? He's just not on this one anymore.
Pull it together, Weasley. He's left before, more times here than at home. Pull it together.
I don't want to break the news.
In case you lot have been too caught up in the new year to notice, the people who went home in the past week: Claire Bennet and Fred Weasley.
May as well add Harry Potter to that list, too.
And yes, I’m sure, so don’t waste my time asking if I am. Sorry to add more rubbish on top of an already rubbish week.
[ooc; all replies from ginny are text!]