Title: Our Love story
Chapter: 2/?
Rating: PG
Pairing: OnKey (Main) , JongHo
Summary: Someday I will let the world know how much I love you
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personifiedNOTE: Will be locked within 72 hours. Rewriting this fic..
thank you for making my life being SHINee’s leader easier )
Comments 7
Aisshh this makes me impatient!! Nice story... Can't wait to the next!!!
and when I know the true condition of Onew now, he was unhealthy too when he performed at Japan yesterday.. Hope Key can take care of him in reality too..
Ohh.. I just hope everything in this fic could be happen in a real life !! XD
Onkey!! You should know that everybody's encouraging you to be a couple !! XD
update soon please!!
and hope everything will end sweet.. and I'll just pray that it's all could be happen U,U
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