Title: Hallo, Tyrol
Pairing: Yunho x Jaejoong, Yoochun x Junsu, slight OT5-esque (though all not really)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Crack
Summary: After Prague, Paris and the U S of A there is a lot of snow and if Junsu has a say in it, polar bears.
Notes: Written for Mika, who so dearly gave me a random prompt to work with again. DBSK in Tyrol, all flaming should be directed towards her.
Of course, snow during the winter wasn’t anything short of amazing - it fit the scenery so nicely and it put you in the mood for Christmas - but Tyrol… really?
They hadn’t come up with it, Jaejoong insisted. It had nothing to do with that one time he had mumbled something about skiing and Junsu had started yodelling, which had reminded him of that one show and before anyone had been able to stop him (or - most of them were smart enough not to try and stop Jaejoong), he had dug up a CD with Tyrol music.
Thus the new concept of their upcoming photo album had changed, dramatically so, from Cairo to Innsbruck. Jaejoong’s i-pod had magically disappeared that day and Changmin certainly knew nothing about that.
Naturally, it was December and when they arrived, in the middle of the night, the ground was icy and even Yoochun had wanted the airplane to have circled at least until dawn. His feet didn’t seem to cooperate, especially not because he was tired and the arm Yunho had thrown around his shoulders (- ‘it’s cold, but at least we’ll have fun, think of snowmen!’) was really too heavy.
“We don’t need a snowman,” Changmin mentioned later on, once they had all gathered in the lobby and Jaejoong was wearing those god-awful (- ‘haha, they’re bunnies!’) furry slippers of his.
As expected, everyone had semi-turned towards Junsu, who hadn’t spoken a single word since their arrival and was looking all sorts of paralyzed. When a weakly-thrown slipper hit the side of his head, he blinked once in the way that everyone always found a little creepy (- that one way, when he really hadn’t done anything wrong) and then wrapped his arms tightly around himself.
“Oh,” Yoochun’s response, in between a sneeze and a cough, sounded quite accusing, his eyes narrowing at Jaejoong but already too red to come across as threatening. Changmin decided that when he tilted his head and squinted a little, Yoochun looked more like one of those homeless people. Who were, by the way, sleeping across the street and had previously called him something he was sure he had read on the wrong side of internet before.
“Don’t look at me, he yodelled,” Jaejoong defended, his hands around a mug of hot chocolate. He was hogging the big chair, one of those that would be comfortable, no matter in what way you sat down on them. Yunho had offered it to him before and now retrieved the slipper, silently giving it back to the man before sitting down on the sofa.
“There’s no need to fight over this. Let’s just enjoy this week. I’m sure Germany is a really interesting country,” Yunho petted Jaejoong’s ankle and smiled warmly at the other members (- which never worked for Yoochun) to calm them down and to put a stopper to his no-I’m-feeling-fine-I’m-the-leader-I-cope headache.
“We’re in Tyrol, federal state of western Austria,” Changmin corrected, rolling his eyes as he stretched out his legs. “Alps. More mountains. I’m sure Jaejoong would like to apologise to you, Chunnie-ah,” the youngest couldn’t help it this time. He hated it when people got their information wrong and well, he just felt like pissing Jaejoong off (- seriously, the slippers weren’t helping here).
“I’m not climbing anything,” Yoochun pointed his finger at Yunho. “Right? Tell them. I’m not,” he insisted. Yunho had promised him there would be no more mountains or canyons. He had sworn on his Fifa high score.
“You should be lucky you’re the most handsome out of us,” Jaejoong bit back at the youngest, dangling his feet over the armrest as he promptly looked the other way so he didn’t have to face Changmin. The boy stuck out his tongue (- it was childish, but so very fit for the situation) and continued reading the tour guide he had bought at the airport.
“Yunho!” Yoochun really didn’t like it when the leader chose the silent option, simply smiling with an overall expression that bordered on sincere apology and I-can’t-help-it-I’m-a-product-of-hierarchy. Either way it seemed he was screwed.
“My stomach hurts…” and Junsu toppled over onto his side.
Their rooms were surprisingly red. It gave Yunho the feeling he had just entered a very cheap brothel (- not that he knew what those looked like, of course) and somehow he was afraid to touch the sheets.
“They must’ve known we were coming,” Jaejoong said, holding up a red towel the way he sometimes did up on the stage and whenever Jaejoong was in that mood, most members made sure they were very busy doing something else.
“What are you doing in Hyung’s room?” Changmin wanted to know, dressed in a ridiculous set of pyjamas he had once gotten from fans. He treasured the items fans gave him no one else got to see. He didn’t like to wear things out in public because that would give him the feeling he was dating a random fan and no matter how many times Yunho said Cassiopeia were there girlfriends, Changmin valued his single status. Besides, he really didn’t think that many phone numbers would fit in his cell phone’s memory.
“Are you wearing shorts?” Jaejoong glared suspiciously.
(- the best way of shutting Jaejoong up was completely disagreeing what whatever he said.)
“I’ll be going now,” Jaejoong announced, under the impression everyone was listening to him. They’d better be, because he knew about stews and Yoochun couldn’t even fry a simple egg.
Yunho stared at Changmin for a long time and then nodded once. He frowned in the way that said ‘you are wearing shorts,’ and then found the book Changmin had most likely come to borrow in his bag. It was nice to be able to communicate without actually saying things out loud. (- though sometimes, it could also get confusing, especially when you wanted someone to hand you the salt - no, not the pepper - the other salt.)
“I’m sure I saw a polar bear,” Junsu claimed, wrapped up in two sheets and sitting on his knees on top of his bed that stood next to a window. His hands were spread out over the glass and trapped the foggy imprints his nose made between his fingers.
“I’m sure you have a fever,” Yoochun told him, making a wild gesture for Junsu to get away from the window and back on his back in the bed where it was warm and slightly less easy to have vague illusions about polar bears (- and penguins, giraffes and man-sized mosquitoes, Junsu wanted to add).
“Lie down and I’ll get you something to drink,” Yoochun wondered when he had taken over the role of umma, yet decided not to fight his natural urges to pamper the baby-like and covered Junsu up to his chin with more blankets.
“That’s the name of this city, I think.”
“I’ll bring you warm milk,” Yoochun decided, knowing that the longer he stayed in the room with Junsu, the more complicated the conversations would get and the less warm-hearted and gentle he’d feel.
“Bring me lemon juice,” Junsu demanded (- in that one voice that got on everyone’s nerves and therefore worked brilliantly for him to get what he wanted). He buried his face in the pillows and mumbled something else that was either his own butchered interpretation of German or a wonderful imitation of Jaejoong when he was drunk.
Yoochun knew better but to question.
Jaejoong was proud of his ninja-skills. Actually, Jaejoong was often quite proud of himself and he told this to a lot of people, too (- also to the camera, but then there was this magic thing called editing) but it was the best when people found out for themselves and told him about it so he could act all really? and they would be all like uhu and he could be smug about it for hours on an end.
It so happened to be that he had ninja-d smoothly out of his room into the elevator without anyone noticing so far and that he would elaborate on in front of the camera tomorrow so their fans would not miss it.
There was a maid in the elevator and she was carrying an armful of fresh towels. She said ‘Guten Abend’ and Jaejoong shook his head. Over the years he had learned it was better to deny than agree.
When the maid stepped out of the elevator though, it appeared there had been another person there, hidden behind the towels. There were a series of ‘oh’s and ‘ah’s and ‘you!’s before Jaejoong crossed his arms and made a scene out of not looking at Yunho.
“Let’s make a deal,” Yunho offered, once they were busy leaving footprints in the snow. “I’ll not tell anyone I snuck out tonight as well.”
Jaejoong suddenly liked Yunho a lot better.
Although he had given up on conspiracy theories a long time ago (- much applauded by the other members and their staff), Changmin was willing to believe there was someone in Austria, or Europe for that matter, that hated him and had tracked him down all the way to his small hotel room to place the air conditioner right above his bed.
It wouldn’t have been much of a problem (- although he had developed a slight phobia towards seeing air conditioners near beds nowadays) had the thing not been on. But it was and Changmin had tried many a fruitless attempt at turning it off. Balancing on a chair, the lucky boxers he had taken off Yoochun before now found their new home blocking the demonic machine.
That he had to sleep right under the bright orange-yellow-purple-dotted underwear should not put a stopper to his enthusiasm. This was Europe, goddamnit, he would enjoy it. Even if that meant he had to put a little extra work in it and vent his frustration on Jaejoong’s slippers later on. He really did hate bunnies.
“Why?” was the only thing Junsu had said once Yoochun had returned with a glass of fresh lemon juice and the former-American was reminded bitterly of the younger one’s ability to freeze an entire room with a single word. Out of protest (- or maybe accidental stupidity) Yoochun had downed the glass himself.
Soon enough Junsu was drooling on his pillow and mumbling things about it not being a good thing leaving Changmin on his own and Yoochun forgave him, like he always did (- not counting that one time Junsu had ruined his designer jeans).
A little wild-eyed, Changmin opened the door and Yoochun smiled softly, mislead by the comfortable silence and the soft buzzing sound of Junsu snoring.
”Do you have the keycard to Jaejoong’s room?”
Yoochun tossed it to the youngest and gave him one of his go-get-them-tiger winks before dozing off in blissful unawareness.
“We could ice-skate!”
Yunho thought that maybe it wasn’t as wonderful of an idea as Jaejoong made it sound, waving his arms about and claiming that it really was cold and the ice would really be strong enough to hold their weight.
“Is that… a swimming pool?” the leader chose to reply instead, eyeing the inflatable three-meter-wide blue thing that was snowed under somewhere near a forest (- and he had no idea how to get back to the hotel).
“We wouldn’t drown,” Jaejoong insisted, clapping his hands together once before setting one foot down on the ice that had formed itself in the toy swimming pool. “And you’re just afraid.”
Yunho wondered what exactly it was he was afraid of - Jaejoong sinking into the ice up to his ankles or Jaejoong actually managing to come out of it alive. Either way he was going to hear about this all week and he rubbed at his temple yet again.
“I’m the king of the world!”
It was a good thing there were no cameras around when Jaejoong slipped and fell face-down into the snow with all the possible grace a man could posses at such moments. There was an uncomfortable silence then and the leader could swear he heard an owl hoot.
“…I want to go home.”
Yunho was glad he had spent those extra few hours in the gym the week before because carrying Jaejoong on his back through the snow was something he had somehow expected.
Changmin poked his head around the door and was quite convincing with the innocence when he just woke up.
The two slightly scorched bunny heads dangled from the (- somehow turned to ‘extra cold’) air conditioner above Jaejoong’s door.
Junsu came to regret he had ever yodelled.