Title: Affirmation
Pairing: Yoochun/Junsu
Rating: PG-13
Genre: drama, fluff
Summary: Yoochun has a girlfriend, but Junsu has something better.
Note: not part of the one-shot collection and yes Request of a Lover is coming soon. This is for Iris; happy belated birthday!
Affirmation [yoochun x junsu] )
Comments 17
on a lighter note...
YEY! You're writing again!!! *jumps up and down and glomps you hard*
So i missed out on this wonderfull piece of oneshot!
(just so you know, i'll be adding you)
I love the vibe this oneshot gives, it feels quite mature with the whole them growing up having girlfriends. Still i love how the whole thing is so not black & white, lover or friend. But you wrote junsu as a something in between, someone that falls under a different definition than lover or a friend.
anyway! glad you're getting past your writers block hun<3
But still, I love this piece~ I like how to Chunnie, Su is something on an entirely different level, and well... I can't seem to come up with words to describe this awesome piece of fiction. ^^;
And yay for Request of a Lover and you getting over your writer's block!! I missed that sooooo much!! ^^
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