Title: Thought you were dead
Prompt: 104. on a la-z-boy recliner
Yes, gokudera's hand looks disproportionately large but it is merely the use of Extreme! perspective messing with you (^_^)
okay about their positioning - of course yamclam is [half] sitting on the armrest of the recliner, and about the sex bit - yes this isn't explicit though it is coming :P, n theres possible front fondling happening (Yamamoto's hand is already down back)
Im going to continue rambling now because i took a while playing around on gimp to make this and now it is fairly early (and now i am partially blind from looking into my light because of a damm mozzie - charr cant stop me now) .Anywho- i thought that there is a slight need for an explaination as to how this scene came into being; they are possiblely in Senior High or just finished school -either way they go on missions. Yamamoto has been MIA for a period of time, so when he returns he goes to Gokudera's room and waits for the undoubtable irate bomber to come. When Gokudera eventually enters the room he goes to the dresser and starts taking of his shirt in the process he sees Yamamoto in the mirror , discards the shirt and leaps at him...yeah i don;t know why he would have a la-z-boy in his room che