Title: The Leopard, Lion, and She Wolf (explicit)
Author: roxiezeke
Prompt: 1: On the Bed
Wordcount: 691
Author Notes: Dante as in the Dante from The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri not Dante from the Devil May Cry series.
Yamamoto didn't like Gokudera much and Gokudera didn't like Yamamoto right back. It was just how it was and there wasn't going to be much of anything that could possibly change that. He allowed himself to be selfish for the one moment when he met Gokudera and he wouldn't think of the stress it would cause on Tsuna because he simply did not like Gokudera.
It wasn't until that one day in the park with the trees freshly budding when he first thought maybe Gokudera was kinda pretty in a non-homosexual kinda way. Then Gokudera turned around, and brushed the hair out of his face as he snapped at Yamamoto but all Yamamoto heard was, "I'm some kind of person,". The sun was haloed behind Gokudera and Yamamoto realized he'd met a Divine Spirit like Dante had and that he maybe kinda thought that Gokudera was pretty in the kinda-homosexual way.
Since his revelation he backed off. He didn't rise to Gokudera's bait and he didn't set out his own traps. He backed off to the other side of Tsuna, looked the other way and sat some distance away from Gokudera. He always kept his amber eyes away from the flowing silver hair and blazing jade eyes that he had toppled for. He was so embarrassed about it because it made him feel like a schoolgirl with how much he was infatuated with Gokudera. And it hurt a little, but not as much as the time he stubbed his toe on his baseball bat. (Maybe a little more, maybe a lot, but that would mean he was a schoolgirl thinking like that.)
The most awkward day he had to face was the day after he'd masturbated to the image of Gokudera, to the picture of Gokudera he had snuck when he sat on the bench during one of his baseball games. He couldn't even be near Gokudera and he wound up faking an upset stomach to go home so he wouldn't have to face Gokudera for another second. He had the twisting gut feeling that Shamal knew and that scared him even more than he already was.
And by the time he got over it and the fact he knew it was more than a kinda-homosexual attraction and more of a hardcore-homosexual attraction, Yamamoto had faded into the background. But he was content there, watching the back of Gokudera's neck instead of doing his work, watching the waves of silver ripple as Gokudera whipped around to help Tsuna with something. Yamamoto was content not being at the forefront of Gokudera's thoughts because he knew that he didn't belong there if he didn't have the guts to come out and tell Gokudera that possibly maybe he was one of the most important people in his life. Maybe sorta kinda, yeah. Defiantly yeah.
Yamamoto made a sound at the back of his throat, hunched over and dreaming while his hand roughly jerked himself off. Shame blushed his cheeks and disgrace burrowed his brows as he imaged what Gokudera would look like naked and under him, sweating panting moaning writhing being. He felt his thigh muscles tense and his abs were constricting but he needed it to go on. "Gokudera," He breathed out through grit teeth, sorrow plowing its way into the tone, "Gokudera,"
Breathy, Yamamoto imagined Gokudera reaching up and stroking away his hair off his sweaty brow, imagined Gokudera grinding up to meet him in his tentative thrusts, Gokudera scratching his back with those slim pianist fingers, Gokudera locking his legs around his waist and pressing against the small of his back. Imagined Gokudera laying in bed with him after they'd finished, laying down and lazily stroking his chest, tracing the scars and the fresh wounds but Yamamoto knows it was all a wish he doesn't have the balls to chase. He felt the burden of sin lie on his spine and right him as he arched up and came. When he finished and as he laid there, alone, a little cold and more-than-ever desperate and he knew he had strayed off the course of true happiness.