This is the prompt post. Please leave prompts in the comments. This post will stay open until April 1st, 2008.
Rules for prompts:
Prompts are open to any television show, movie, or book that came out or was still showing during the 1980's. There is a list of accepted fandoms on our profile (in the interests section), for reference. If your fandom is
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Comments 9
2. Innerspace (film) - Tuck/Jack/Lydia - whilst still shrunk and inside Jack's body, Tuck realises there's other ways he could be transferred over to Lydia than just kissing...
3. When Harry Met Sally (film) - Harry/Sally (who else?) - what if they'd just had sex earlier?
2. Weird Science - Gary/Lisa - kiss
3. Weird Science - Wyatt/Lisa - "It's nice to see you again."
4. Say Anything - Lloyd/Diane - first love scene.
2) Outsiders (film) - Soda/Steve. Preferably R or NC-17. They know it's wrong, but they just couldn't help falling for each other.
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