[Log] [Genma & Sakura] [Spare the rod...] [finished]

Sep 15, 2008 03:36

Who: Genma and Sakura
Where: Genma's House of Pain office
When: Just after Genma tries to end this thread in his journal.
What: Genma Shiranui puts up with no jibba-jabba!
Warnings: Mild swearing (aka Genma) and corporal punishment (also Genma)

Sakura stormed down the hall towards that new teacher's office, her new advisor who already was more involved than Obito had been. Not that she was insulting Obito, he was obviously an amazing teacher from the way everyone talked about him. She was so frustrated and flustered and totally in trouble! What had she been thinking going off at Sasuke in a teacher's journal!? But, GOD he just got her so goddamn fired up when he acted like that! Yes, Naruto was right, that she could not go about it in that way with him. She could do that with Kiba, who never took her seriously, or with Naruto who well... was so damn passive and always switched it around so it was always his fault. Sasuke was just so... touchy! But, how ELSE was she supposed to bring something like that up with him? No matter what words came from her mouth, they'd always drive him to clamming up and getting frustrated with her in a situation like that. He was running away and it was ridiuclous! Was it really that awful!? She wasn’t asking him to spill his soul to her, she just wanted something.

She failed to notice the students step out of her way (were they actually noticing her?) as she stormed down the hallway like she was on the warpath. She didn't bother knocking on Genma's door as she arrived in his office either; after all he was the one that ordered her there. "So? What did you want to talk about?" Her arms were crossed defensively over her chest bag slung over her shoulder heavy with the books she had been reading in the library. This better not take long, she needed to go vent somewhere.

Someone was sure in a snit.

Genma didn't bother to look up as the Pink Wonder stormed through his door. He'd asked her to come here, and asked her to come now. If she wanted to pick nits he really hadn't asked that she come quietly, though she'd get points for promptness if Genma really cared about that. This New York crowd was always in such a hurry; it'd suit this one to slow down a bit.

That in mind - and even that just barely - Genma finished looking over the Music Theory quiz he'd started before his office was so promptly invaded. Pretty damned clear in this class who was interested and who just needed the credits. He frowned at the half-assed job done in haphazard chicken scratch on the page in front of him. Maybe upping the homework load could weed a few of 'em out...

Taking a long drag of his smoke, he gave it a moment for the nicotine to hit him, tapping the ashes into an empty soda can. May as well get this shit started. He shoved himself out of his chair and moved around the desk, stuffing his free hand into his pocket and leaning back against the sturdy piece of furniture. He took careful stock of the girl in front of him, standing there glaring like he'd pissed in her fucking latte. Nothing wrong with a bad mood, not as far as Genma was concerned, but there was a certain amount of decorum required when speaking with adults. And fuck any dumbass trying to argue that turning eighteen - or however old Girly happened to be - constituted adulthood. He hoped she wouldn't make this difficult.

"So," he started, finally addressing her. "Haruno. Right about now, I know one thing about you." Another puff off the cigarette gave him a second or two. Needed time to breathe. Clearly. "I know I asked you to do something - stop doing something, rather. And you didn't pay me any mind. Could'a been a misunderstanding. Shit, I dunno." A little ash made its mad dash for freedom and settled into the carpet. Hell, maybe it was supposed to go there. Laws of the Universe, or something like that. "Care to clear that up any?"

Sakura wrinkled her nose in distaste at the cigarette this man was smoking, the smell burned as she inhaled deeply trying to calm herself. It wouldn't do her any good to be snarky with a teacher and a new one at that. Though, she did not have the pleasure of knowing a single serious teacher at this school, which was nice on occasion other times it was just, she needed a certain amount of structure in her life. But, what the hell was he doing? Marking papers? She did not drop studying just so this man could mark papers and ignore her! Her scowl deepened and she stepped closer to his desk about to clear her throat loudly when he looked up at her and got up. She didn't step back; he was less than an arms length away from her.

She didn't move as he gave her the once over, she was determined not to be intimidated. School had been back in a week and she was already neck deep in things she would rather not deal with. But it was inevitable and so this semester she figured she would deal with everything as quickly and efficiently as possible so she could get back to being a nobody. Somehow, even though it made her lonely it was easy. She flinched slightly as he called her 'Haruno' again, which was totally annoying! That was not her name! Her name was Sakura, SAKURA not Haruno. She had already told him that much, if he wanted her to cooperate he could at least call her by her name. She knew she was being overdramatic, but was beyond caring at this point. All she wanted was for this to be quick.

A perfectly plucked eyebrow raised at him, clear it up? Hell no she wasn't going to do anything of the sort, her arms uncrossed and she shifted a hand landing on her hip the other falling down by her side. Didn't pay him any mind, no she didn't cause she'd been so angry at Sasuke! She hadn't even seen what he had written. "No, I don't care to clear it up. Are we done? I have things to do." Of course, there really wasn't anything she needed to do except for get the heck out of this school for an hour and have some space to breathe.

The look she'd given his cigarette - which he had caught, whether it had shown on his face or not - managed to deepen his otherwise mild-so-far irritation. If the kid didn't want him to smoke, she damned well better say something; Genma wasn't a mind reader, and he didn't have the patience to anticipate the needs of a grumpy student. "See. I think yer not gettin' the point of being called in to the teacher's office." He blew a stream of smoke at the ceiling. "An' I sure as hell didn't call ya in here to get a good look at ya."

Genma rubbed at the back of his neck, not bothering to hide his eye roll. Where he'd come from, just that hand on her hip would'a got this girl a set of boxed ears before she'd even opened her mouth. "Seems to me, the only 'thing' you gotta 'do' right now is learn ye'self some manners, kid. I ain't puttin' up with no back-talk" inwardly he winced as the A-word slipped past his tongue - "and I'd appreciate a bit o' goddamned consideration." He paused again, trying to figure out why he felt so chagrined over his own use of foul language, before it came to him that he felt like he was addressing a 2-year-old. With a muttered "Che" he snapped himself out of it. "I'm warnin' you now, I will knock ya for a roll o' pins if you keep this up." He punctuated the sentiment by bringing the back of one hand across the palm of the other, creating a loud SMACK.

Genma liked to make himself perfectly clear.

"I sure hope that you didn't call me in here to get a good look at me. I'd feel very violated." She wasn't stupid, and he needed to stop treating her, talking to her like she was some idiot whose brain had been liquefied by illegal drugs. Somehow she couldn't help the slight smirk that had made its way to her glossed cherry lips. She was getting completely impatient and her foot in her expensive Manolos began tapping on the worn floor. This was so annoying! It was obvious that he was only mildly annoyed with her too, which was great. She was beyond caring. That record of being the perfect student was in the toilet anyhow at this point. There was no changing this guy's impression of her.

"I have manners, but if you can't even use my name not my last name, my actual name, teacher or not I don't see why I need to give you any consideration. I'd also prefer it if you put out that cancer stick, I'd rather not die from secondhand smoke." She didn't move as he slapped his hands against each other the sound echoing in the room. As if he was actually going to smack her. He was a teacher after all, she could get him into a lot of trouble. She wasn't pushing purposely, she just couldn't stop herself. You are definitely digging yourself into a huge hole, shut your damn mouth! And she did, she paused for a moment, a second, before snorting. "You're going to hit me? Don't bullshit me." There was no way she was going to let this jerk stand there and threaten her! He was a teacher for fucks sake! In the off-chance that he did hit her she wasn't really sure what she'd do. But, he obviously wouldn't, there were LAWS against things like that.

Genma could handle angry parents, could deal with getting fired - hell, a lawsuit would barely phase him. But letting a child get away with thinking she could talk like that? Nothing but a crying shame that was. He knew full well, from first-hand experience, what allowing that kind of behaviour to slide would lead to, and as the new man on campus he was in no position to start out going easy on anyone. And so, he could say in all honesty there was no malice involved when he snagged his cigarette between his lips, took a step forward, and smacked the girl on the mouth. There was just enough force behind it to let it sting without really knocking her back any. Didn't wanna hurt the kid, but damned if that hadn't made a satisfying noise.

Once he'd stepped back again, he took one final hit off his "cancer stick" and dropped the rest into his soda can, hearing it hiss in the leftover syrup. In all fairness, she had asked him to, and Genma preferred to be considerate whenever the situation warranted it - there sure as hell wasn't enough consideration to go around in this room right now, anyway. He scratched at his cheek, wondering what it might take to get this one to use a few pleases and thank yous. Speaking of which... He shifted his weight and folded his arms across his chest, looking Miss Pink in the eyes and giving her a "You're welcome."

He was giving her a look she could only categorize as nasty, and she realized perhaps a moment too late that she had taken this whole being angry thing a step over the line. So when Genma's hand hit her face with a resounding smack she couldn't say she was surprised. However, that didn't stop her green eyes from widening impossibly large and her hand whipping up to her face to examine the damage. Her lip was bleeding, barely. She could taste the coppery blood on the tip of her tongue and cringed. Ow. Damn, what the hell was this!? She looked at him incredulously, was he kidding her? She watched as he dropped his cigarette in the soda can on his desk as if this was still a casual conversation, as if he hadn't just smacked her across the face. "You're Welcome!?" She hissed and winced when air rushed past her lips. "I can't believe you actually hit me! You ass!!"

Sakura didn't even know what to think now, she just... he'd hit her. And it hadn't been a gentle tap either! She was sure she wasn't dreaming because she couldn't recall falling asleep. So, she moved forwards so she was almost toe to toe with him. "I can't believe you seriously hit me just then! Do you know the trouble I could get you into!?" She wouldn't of course, this was really all too embarrassing to even mention to anyone. The cut on her lip? Oh, she'd bumped into something. Yeah Inner Sakura chimed, his fist. As her shock began to dissipate she realize that she felt a bit better, more calm. God, she felt better after getting smacked in the face with by a Teacher? What the hell was wrong with her? And then she kept on... "It actually felt kind of good though." The words flew out of her mouth before she could stop them and her cheeks turned an angry red, she definitely needed an on call editing service for her mouth.

Had this been any other situation, any other place and time, and certainly with any other company, Genma would have taken that step forward on her part to be an invitation to "step up." Staring at the little Pink Thing in front of him, however, he really couldn't figure out what this was. For a brief moment, he wondered if he'd caused some sort of brain injury - he was positive he couldn't have done any lasting damage with that phoned-in swat. But try as he might he just couldn't parse out what in the Sam Hell she was going on about. And he really, really didn't want to know what that last comment had meant.

His annoyance creeping back into him, Genma raised an eyebrow, wishing vaguely that he had space to back away from her. It would be better for both of them. He toyed with silence for a while, then shook his head. "What, ya need another one?" Some kids were dense like that.

Luckily for Genma a little girly slap like that wouldn't cause any brain damage, Sakura had suffered a lot worse than that in Elementary school. She looked up at him, giving him the once over her eyes dark. He was tall, not as tall as Kakashi, of course. She clenched her teeth as she caught him looking, staring at her again, what was she!? Seriously, she was NOT an alien; she wasn't THAT weird looking was she!? Her fists clenched at her sides, it was all she could do to keep from shoving him. She listened to herself breathe and she seriously wasn't as agitated as before. But still, "Go ahead." She ground out not willing to move even an inch away from him. If it was just going to be another 'love tap' she could handle that, the first one had caught her off-guard. But, this time if he hit her again she'd be totally prepared for it.

"...huh." All that and she still wasn't a damn wit wiser. On the other hand, she wasn't waggin' her eyebrow at him like Groucho fucking Marx anymore. Clearly he'd knocked something into her; if it wasn't sense it was better than nothing. Giving her an incredulous look, he raised his hand as though he'd actually do that again right now - not for the first time this afternoon he entertained the thought that the 'girl's got another think coming.' - then seemed to change his mind. Instead, he placed his palm against her forehead and shoved.

"Go do your homework. Sakura."

With that, he returned to his seat behind the desk, and started leafing through papers again. Genma had work to do, and this conversation was over.

She didn't flinch when he raised his hand, but did stumble back as he shoved her head back her bag bumping the backs of her thighs. Well, that was certainly unexpected, she had been expecting another slap in the face. She pursed her lips as her new advisor ordered her to do her homework and said her name in a way that made the hair on the back of her neck prickle. She stood silently for a moment contemplating her next action as her eyes watched him move and sit back down in his chair going back to his work as if she'd already left.

"I'll have you know I'm already done all my homework." She had straightened herself up and her hand was on her hip again. Ha. Take that. Bastard. "I will however let you get back to yours." Sakura flippantly motioned to the papers scattered on the desk and then smiled, though it was more of a half smirk. "I'm glad we had this conversation Genma. I feel a lot better now. I can already tell we're going to get along swimmingly." And then before he could even think of anything to say she spun on her heel and was out of the room the office door closing behind her. Now that, all that was over with Sakura had time to read another chapter of her book and get a good hours worth of violin practice in before bedtime. Ah, life was good.

Genma was half-inclined to assign her more homework then and there, but that would involve raising his voice to be heard, which was a game he just didn't play. He tapped his fingers on the desk for a while, then opened a drawer and fished around for a manila folder marked "Sakura Haruno." Flipping it open, he grabbed a Sharpie from his penholder and wrote in big, fuck-off letters, "SPOILED BRAT" across the top page. Satisfied, he searched his pockets for another cigarette, lit it, and blew a long breath of smoke across the damp ink.

His sandbag was getting one hell of a beating tonight.

genma, log, finished, sakura

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