(no subject)

Jan 30, 2005 22:57

Le Application

Name Katherine (Katy) O’Neill
Height 5’4
Weight 230 lbs
Sexuality Straight
Location Los Angeles, CA

What do you like best about being a BBW?

Being curvy makes me feel feminine. I have breasts that tiny women pay thousands for. Every inch of me is a curve. There are no sharp hip bones, rough ribs peeking out, I am soft and supple. I don’t shaplessly drown in my clothes like girls strive to. My clothes don’t wear me, I wear them.

What are your three most redeeming qualities?

I can find the good in anything, I’m passionate, and I’m simple.

What do you like the best about being a bbw?

Looking like a woman!

What (if anything) do you dislike about being a bbw?

Getting treated with less respect than a lady half my size, which is very common in Los Angeles.

Have you always been a bbw?

Ever since adolescence.

Five favorite books
Catcher and the Rye
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings
The Giver
Five People You’ll Meet in Heaven
Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Five favorite movies
Patch Adams
American Beauty
Good Will Hunting

Five favorite musical groups/bands/singers
Tori Amos
Sarah McLachlan
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Ani DiFranco

Five favorite songs
Cruel, Tori Amos
Ice Cream, Sarah McLachlan
She Will Be Loved, Maroon 5
It’s Your Love, Tim McGraw & Faith Hill
The Rose, Bette Midler

....Slightly More Fun....
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

I would travel to Scotland because it is one of the most beautiful places in the world. I love lush green land.

If you could have anyone, living or dead, over to your house for dinner, what would you serve and who would you invite over? And what would you talk about?

I would invite Bill W., the creator of Alcoholics Anonymous. I would serve french toast and coffee. I’d ask him about his experiences in early A.A. and what he thinks about the fact that it is now a world renown program that has saved the lives of countless millions.

You're walking down the street and you see an old lady getting mugged. Do you just let it happen or do you chase down the mugger? And if you catch him (or her) what do you do to them?

Honestly, no. He could have a gun, and nothing like that is worth anyone’s life. I’d get the best description of the mugger as possible, and rush over to console the lady as much as I could until the cops arrived. I’d help make the police report.

You've inherited four hundred million dollars from your great-aunt Mildred, who you didn't know existed. You have to spend it all in a week or forfeit it all. What do you spend it on?

I would buy myself a nice sized house in the Hollywood Hills with a view, near Brad Pitt ;)! Then I would buy my family land anywhere they wanted and build them their dream houses and cars. Then I would expand the program I live in to give other people the same opportunity I’ve had that saved my life. I’d fly my family and friends around the world in a private jet. I’d donate $1 to the tsunami fund. I’d build my own theme park, and make it better than Six Flags Magic Mountain!!

What's better - Saturday Night Live or Mad TV? Tell me why. And what's your favorite skit?

I’m a computer person. I don’t watch TV, unless it’s West Wing or ER.

Let's say you're walking down the street minding your own business and you bump into Bob Saget. What do you do?

Living in Los Angeles makes me immune to being star struck so I would tell him I enjoyed his work on Full House and be on my way.

You have the option to have wild sex with the celebrity of your choosing whenever and wherever you choose. Who do you choose and where do you do it?

Wow. Brad Pitt, in my new mansion across from his house!

For some reason, Hollywood has chosen to make a movie about your life. Who would you want to play you and why?

Sarah Rue, she’s big, beautiful, sexy, funny, and a great actress!

What is one thing that you've done in your life that you'd like to do over and why?

I would have graduated high school instead of dropping out and getting my GED after I turned 18.

....the nitty-gritty....
Post (at least) three pictures of yourself and at least one good shot of your face.

Take this time to kiss our asses. What redeeming qualities do you have that should make us accept you?

I’m confident, ambitious, spontaneous, funny, witty, silly, sweet, and talkative. I love to write and participate in online forums. I’m stimulating.

Where did you hear about this community?

Searching for “curvy” in lj

If we deny you membership, are you going to bitch and moan and pitch a fit? Be honest.

Nope, no such thing. I’d be kinda bummed, but I certainly wouldn’t stalk the moderator down or anything, LOL

Post a picture of anything you want.

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