HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DENUNNURU -denu- of POITRINE. i'll always love you.
well it's a funny story -or sad story- ? o.O
me and 4 of my friends were deleted by someone on friendster (just because an unthoughtful reason, i'd like to say it's a fucking CHILDISH reason xD ) so we decided to make a cool band
p.s: don't take it seriously, the following post is just a tragic comedy.
we proudly present a nu comer..
huyeeeh.. *shouting, screaming and applauses sounds from fangirls and fanboys*
current DELETE member:
izu on screaming and mad vocaL
miya on trumpet ngoek
chira on bass betot
shiro on keyboard ting tung
giru on rebana dung3
our performance:
1ST ONE MAN LIVE: 8/30 @taman KB
LAST LIVE: 8/31 @simpang 5
tickets are limited-online order 0nly- .
Rp 4138146212 yen semarang.
it' s a true story, have you ever get annoyed by your friend?