So yesterday I went to the MRI and well ... yeah... what an experience hahahaha.
So it was around 2 p.m. and I took my parents and uncle with me cuz I was TERRIFIED. Plus , my uncle had to pull some strings around the hospital for my bill to be lower than its supposed to be (yaaay corruption xD). Yet that still didn't make a difference because the money we saved was then spent on the amount of medicine I needed for the procedure (yaaay karma lol). So anyway , we get there and the lady does some stuff and they pay and I get the medicine and we wait. I ask my mom if I just have to drink it and shes shes like yeah it'll be okay.
The nurse then calls for me. He looks like a man in his mid 50's and had tan skin. He was kind of abrupt and stern at the beginning , he told me to go change and remove my bra which i placed in bag he provided. He then helped me onto the full body x-ray machine. I them laid down on a metal mat connected to the machine and he covered my lowetr half with a blue blanet and told me to remove my pants to mid-thigh and knee area for the metal on my jeans would obstruct somethings. I did so and then laid back once more and stared at the ... thing that hanged over me and was conected to the machine , it was the thing that was going to take the x-ray or whatever. As I laid there I then kind of panicked "Waah!! whats going on , why do I feel like somethings pressing against me , did gravity just get heavier!!??." I was almost going to start crying for a second but then I noticed ... it was all in my head. Gravity was still the same thank god haha. He took an extra and then we moved our stuff into the MRI room.
machine looked like this:
Now the nurse sets me up the machine and made me put my feet towards the machine with this sponge thing under it making my legs bent and my head was rested on a pillow. And then ... thats when I saw it ... the contents of the bag of medicine that my procedure would need ...
and other things but you see ... I have trypanophobia , which is basically the intense fear of needles.
I brokedown right then and there. The nurse was kinda weirded out because it seems as though he's only used to little kids freaking out!
So he trys to calm me down but I'm just crying and my feet are trembling and stuff. He the straps down my legs to keep them from moving because he was to inject me with some kinda crap. AND SO HE BEGINS
He starts with tying my upper right arm with this rubber strip. At this moment I probably been crying so much and having snot running down my nose or something I dont remember LOL. He then exclaims to me "Where are your veins!? I can't find them." I nervously laugh back , at this point the mans attitude was nicer and charismatic but still very professional. "I think you left you veins in the car or something," He then says again. And then it happened. He stuck the needle into my mid arm area. well at least he tried.
"Oh man , you see! you're so scared , your veins have vanished!" I was terrified ... my body has just rejected the needle but this now meant they would have to make another hole!!!
The man sort of angry but I can't tell because well he's old and I can't read old people sometimes , goes and gets the needle he should have used from the beginning , a butterfly needle. Now for those who are not familiar , this the needle that should be used for people with trypanophobia because this one does the less damage if I move. It looks like this :
I think he finally got that I the fear because he also got a numbing agent and poured it on my hand , it seemed that he was going to put in there, and thats what exactly happened. Please remember that throughout this whole time I'm still crying haha. He's now like "now now , its over , now we're just going to put you through the scan a couple of times. He sets my hands over my hand and makes me hold the shot.He then left the room. I closed my eyes and waited. Why I closed my eyes? THAT MRI MACHINE LOOKS LIKE ITS GUNNA SUCK ME UP INTO SOME OTHER UNIVERSE OR SOMESHIT. No but seriously and it sounded like it too. You can hear what ever was in it was started to spin , and at high speeds too , I could barely tell I was moving in and out the MRI if it wasn't for the fact that my senses of sight and sound were still working.
oooh arent you guys lucky , i remeber the exact model of the machine , so this is exactly what it looked like ^^ :
Now dont tell me its not gunna eat me , because that hole is a MOUTH.
It took a while , don't know exactly how much but it did. Then the nurse came back and then I saw ANOTHER BIG SYRINGE.
but thanks to the butterfly needle i did not need to use another needle so that was pleasant. The worse thing about being injected is the fact you can feel it going through your blood stream for a bit. Oh but this syringe ... oh boy did I feel it. He injects the liquid and then tells me it might burn a bit. Hahaha ... a bit was an understatement.
of course i didnt say anything because that would be awkward. He then said we had to wait a bit for this fire to go throughout my body. Haha cool , we sit here while my insides feel like their being boiled , great -____-
I start singing one of my favorite songs that calms me "My heart draws a dream" by l'arc~en~ciel. Haha coincidently its also my lj name :), look up ^^
you can listen here if you're curious as to how it sounds.
from 3:56 onwards is so magical ... ;u;
So , time passed and then finally it was time for the last MRI scans.Yay!
The nurse came back and first helped me by removing the needle. "Say AHhhh" he said , and which I did and then when I looked at my arm my needle was gone! :D
quickly zipping up my pants and moving on he said he had to quickly do some last minute x-rays and was back to the full body x-ray machine. But whats this! , THE MACHINE SHAPESHIFTED ;A;
No joke I cannot lay down on it anymore , so then was like to ahead and stand , I ask him "On that little platform!?" "yes , dont worry", So I did and then Idk what happened but all that was running thru my mind was "OH SHIT" the machine started tipping my back into a horizontal fashion.He then asked me to cough and then hold my breath when he says to, we did it 3 times and he would exit and enter the room after each time. I think the x-ray showed him that my bladder was full or something because he then told me to go pee xD. He said to hurry tho cause they still needed the serum in my system for the x-ray. And so , we finished with one more "cough and stop breathing" x-ray and i was then released right after. The nurse returned me back to my parents who were outside the hospital for some reason and the nice old man told them how much of a cry baby i was. We thanked him and then went back to the secretary for anything else we needed to know. They told me I had to drink 5 liters of water yesterday but I didn't , could only do 3 liters x__x. Yet I knew why , because the whole day yesterday I felt as if I was on fire , and whenever I got thirty or dehydrated my bowels would start to cramp. Its because the stuff they injected me with can cause kidney failure ;A;. Scary stuff but around the end of the day I was soooo tired. and thats why I didn't make it to FFA
tomorrow I get the MRI results back , I think that also means I find out whats wrong with me. Wish me luck!! :). I feel better now and less weird inside but i still feel as if I have a slight fever.
thank you guys for all your supporting messages last journal , it really cheered my up , thank so much <3