Doctor Who 6x07 A Good Man Goes to War

Jun 04, 2011 18:53

Mid-series finale. Weird... don't like it at all.

- Last week's cliffhanger was pretty fantastic, so it's hard to imagine this one topping it.
- Cybermen
- Jenny? At least the girl with that credit in this episode?
- Hell yeah, Rory!
- Pretty crappy landing by a spaceship in an establishing shot.
- I love how all these sets look like film warehouses.
- I don' like that the Doctor blew up the Cypermen like that... the Doctor wouldn't do that...
- "They can't really be headless" When he said that I literally expected Nearly-Heahless Nick to drift on by.
- I want her to be Jenny Jenny, and for her to be the next companion. I want more Galifrieans on board the TARDIS.
- We haven't been to the 1800's for awhile.
- Oh wait, the maid is Jenny with the cast listing.
- Oh Sontarian nurse.
- Oh yeah we're going to find out who River is today.
- Borg lady reminds me a lot of Umbridge... appearnce wise.
- Pretty sure the Doctor is a trickster.
- Hmmm unless this girl is the baby in the future... naaaahh.
- They're not showing the baby's name... which means we already know its name, otherwise why keep it a secret... making me lean towards River, but that would be disapointing because I've already guessed it a few times.
- No Doctor until 20 minutes into the show.
- Why not just land the TARDIS is Amy's cell.
- The monks are Jedi?
- These soilders of God have the same logo as the ones in the Angels two-parter, and their logo is the Omega symbol.
- There's the cradle we saw pics of weeks ago.
- Why are they letting them get away with everything so easily.... It's a trap!
- So far this episode is nothing but awesome Roryness. Haven't like the Doc bits too much though... we shall see.
- Melody.... song... river... water in a forest... stop brain stop...
- Get that baby back on the TARDIS.
- I love this sontarian.
- And the other cradle.
- Oh Doctor children where are you.
- Please get to the point of the episode.
- Once again, get on the Tardis that you are all standing next to.
- He hasn't met her yet.
- And the predictions and theories were all right. And thus I could care less for this cliff hanger and am just mad becuase the Doctor ran off, that the name on that super old crib didn't translate, and that River can apparently regenerate.

And now we are forced to wait until fall, which is a double-edged sword becuase not only do I have to wait, but Merlin is getting bumped a few months since it normally fills DW's timeslot in the fall.

Overall the was pretty terrible episode. A lot of useless crap occurred, and nobody cared. I liked the Sontarian and I like the girl who died (heck I even cried there), but it all felt like a bunch of random thrown into a Moffat pot.

Also the more I think about River's Song's identity, the more upset I get becuase I figured that her being the Amybaby was too obvious. But the the part that gets me angry is that I have to acknowledge that the regenerating Melody isn't a Time Lady, isn't a new and awesome character. I doubt that character I imagined at the end of episode two will ever come to any real fruition at all. It's just River... a character with a timeline so messed up that I'm not even sure if we're going to see any of her actual companion time. Heck I don't even know if her story wraps up at the end of this seasons or begins. I've also given up hopes that she's evil and working for Omega... mainly becuase that wouldn't be fair for Amy and Rory, who I'm pretty sure will be leaving by the end of the Series 6.

All this episode was, was a prolonged and ridiculously unimportant and expensive build-up to an answer most of us guessed at back in April. It was certainly the worst episode of the season... but then again... it is technically a two-parter, so maybe I shouldn't judge it too harshly until I see it's second half, which has a ridiculously idiotic title.

Gah Moffat.
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