Okay let's see if I can watch Merlin, take notes, and continue painting this life study based on some field in Norway.
- Meeeeeeeeeerlin
- Hmmm Merlin is oddly not dead yet.
- Sad Merlin is sad.
- He just stuck his hand into a beehive.
- Magic bubbles with waterbending healing.
- Oh yeah, Gwen speaking up. Going into Queen mode.
- Snape is not amused.
- All Morgana ever does is magically throw people.
- Don't drink from that cup Gwen.
- Wait why run from the fire pit.
- About time Merlin thought to call the Dragon who breathes fire.
- Oh look Merlin and the dragon are friends now.
- Merlin's beard, Merlin is still alive.
- They'll probably just sacrafice the gatekeeper.
- Freaking Lancelot. Okay, of all the knights he can't die. In every legend he outlives Arthur and Merlin.
- She's had no sign yet that Emeris even is in the area.
Good start for the season, and the next episode looks good too. My show is back on track.