[This little environmentalist is sitting on a curb on the main street, if there even is such a thing. At any rate, he's quite fascinated with a
beeping device in his hands. What is it? Well... considering it's currently blasting a full MIDI rendition of Beethoven's Fifth, it's probably something from Earth.]
Amazing! This must be the 'cell phone' Yosuke spoke of. I've never seen so many variations of a simple communicator. Now if only I could get it to stop playing music... [a laugh] It's a wonderful idea, but it could get old fast when in the wrong hands. I wonder what he would think.
Now, let's see... If I'm correct, I can input algorithms directly by use of this program, and then...
[Aster has apparently loaded some random sitcom on his phone by accident. He watches the screen, then waves slightly at a family on a couch... What the hell,
... H-Hello? This isn't right.