It took a few readings, but once the second half sunk in I realised I was digging it.
I'd like to see a line break after "...seas were to me", what with the change in tense and the overall brevity of the thing.
Scattered rhymes are nice and subtle (seas/me; side/reside).
With something short and sweet like this, I'd be zooming into every syllable and cropping/twisting the hell out of it to max out the dynamics and bog up any drafts, but I'm pretty defensive.
Comments 3
I'd like to see a line break after "...seas were to me", what with the change in tense and the overall brevity of the thing.
Scattered rhymes are nice and subtle (seas/me; side/reside).
With something short and sweet like this, I'd be zooming into every syllable and cropping/twisting the hell out of it to max out the dynamics and bog up any drafts, but I'm pretty defensive.
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