02 ♏ vriska ===> regaining ALL THE LEVELS

Aug 25, 2011 18:05

-- arachnidsGrip [AG] began trolling Discedo City [DC] --

Listen up, every8ody!
I'm looking to get this chip thing removed!
Whatever it costs, I'll cover it!
........ Well, I will eventually. You have my word!
8ack home I've got more treasure than I know what to do with. Really!
It's o8viously only a matter of time 8efore I can say the same a8out this place!
And I can deal with p8n noooooooo pro8lem! Don't worry a8out that either!
If there's anyone in this city that deserves to have it out, it's me!
8elieve me. And you can ask any8ody that knows me!

How could you refuse that, huh?

@marco, @tavros, @gamzee, !ic, @karkat, !discedo

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