I went to sleep last night with ten fingers and a bunch of really cheap looking flowers, to give to her today. Tomorrow. Today? Whatever, point is, last night I had my finger and...well, I don't know what that was, but I think I had Harmony. I mean, not really, because she was the tsar of doorslamming yesterday, but she was here. Actually here. I'm positive she was, I wouldn't have this nice bump on my head if she weren't. Well, I think. I mean, I get a lot of bumps, for all I know I tried to skateboard and got waylaid by jackassery. But, point is, I know she was here. I mean, I thought she was.
I woke up this morning, and my finger's gone again, and Harmony went with it. I don't know. I think I'd rather have her here and pissed off at me than far, far away. Although I really can't tell, I mean, what if this place gives her two heads? Not that I'd complain...erm, but as I was saying, it's really hard to wake up this morning, not the least because I have one of those atomic sized hangovers. That and she's gone again. If she were here in the first place. I might be wrong. Hell, I probably am.
So. I have nine fingers again, which is really odd because I was starting to get used to having all ten again. I mean, I guess it's something you don't miss until it's gone, and boy, do I miss it now. I was just getting used to it, too, the whole long lost ring finger, but to have it for a day and then have it yoinked back again? Ouch. To quote a surfer I knew, bummer.
I also have a bunch of flowers here, like, twelve of them, and I really--I mean, the person I bought them for is gone. Or wasn't here in the first place, like a hologram from Star Wars or something. Either way, I've got flowers without an owner, but you know, if anyone wants them, you can have them. I mean, I don't know what the hell else to do with these besides hang them from the ceiling and hope they stick.