So, I wake up this morning, put on my shoes, help myself to some lucky charms, head out the door, and instead of seeing the bright sunny skies--okay, the smoggy, sort of grey looking skies, I see--well, a whole lot of weirdness. See, I've been to a lot of these parties lately, because everything in this city starts at a party, and I've seen a lot of fountains. Small fountains, big fountains, fountains that climb on rocks, fountains that shoot out champagne, you name it, there's a fountain at it. Anyway, point is, I'm used to fountains. Not this fountain, though. For one thing, it's got lights in it. Bright ones. Not very pleasant when working off a hangover--
Oh, shit, I got sidetracked by fountains. Right, you know the drill. Big fuck off fountain in the square. And then there's me, you know, just minding my own business, trying not to notice the fact that I have no idea where the hell I am. And like, you know that moment when you wake up the morning after and there's clothes all over the place and you don't know where the hell you are or what you did for a minute? It's like that, only worse. See, when that happens, chances are there's a lady involved. Hopefully a lady. For all I know, it could be some bastard who just ran off with your kidney, but anyway, you know what I mean.
Right about now, it feels like I'm missing a whole lot of kidney.
I guess this is where everyone quotes a movie, right? You know, something about red pills and blue pills. Or rabbit holes and being late for some goddamn date. Or the classic not being in Kansas anymore. Only problem is, see, I wasn't in Kansas before, so that doesn't help me out here. But, you know, quoting something. Some cliched movie line that roughly translates into "where the fuck am I?!" only, you know, without the fucking. Gotta keep it clean for the soccer moms in Kansas, I guess.
So. Where the fuck am I? Oh, and more importantly, where can I get some cigarettes? That fountain on the way in apparently considers my tobacco to be an appropriate toll.
((OOC: For convenience, all of Harry's narration is in italics. OOCly, you can read it all you like. ICly, it's not public, sorry. Consider all the narration saved in a seperate word file to be uploaded later))