(no subject)

Sep 18, 2007 04:04

What better way to let the world know I'm still alive than with a rather mind-numbing meme I'm sure I've done at least twice before.

Click here.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What is h_hollister's favorite band/artist? She listens to a lot of loud, happy things. There's some bad with the word 'Giants' in it that can't recall now.
2) What is sonotastars's favorite food? Isn't he that Kevin person from back at the pub? I haven't the foggiest. Something American.
3) Does domina_igne travel a lot? She must; I haven't seen her in more than a year.
4) What animal should starspointman be combined with? That's a ridiculous question. Why should anyone be 'combined' with an animal? What does that even MEAN?
5) What languages does brilliant_bug speak? English is all I know for sure.
6) How tall is nightflowering? Taller than me. Very willowy.
7) Would you wrestle starsmedic in jello? ............No. Not ever.
8) Is victoria_sage introverted or extroverted? Introverted, in an eccentric way, like myself.
9) Does lust_for_life smoke? It's a safe bet he does.
10) What is displaced_robo allergic to? Water? He's a robot; I don't think they have allergies.
11) What mental disorder does domina_igne remind you of? Pyromania.
12) If master_vex were hanging off a cliff, what would hellcash do? Probably kick him off and have a smoke.
13) What do you agree with man_of_means about? Humans can be strange.
14) What comic book character would murdoc_nicalls be? He should have his own comic book series.
15) Would you set up crackofthunder and plaga_priest? Dios mio.
16) Is brilliant_bug 1337? I forget what those numbers mean.
17) If techno_mancy was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? That Karma Society?
18) If onlystraw commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Crows and ravens.
19) Do you have a crush on gadgetqueen? Nnnnno. She's admirable, but...
20) What would victoria_sage do differently in your shoes? Just about everything, I'm certain.
21) Where was wadewilson born? On the side of the road. In a ditch.
22) techno_mancy's eye color? I haven't the foggiest; I've never spoken to the girl personally, or face to face.
23) Is onlystraw athletic? He's thin, as best I recall.
24) What is crackofthunder's favorite movie? I don't care.
25) Does mr_one_percent go to your school? I don't go to school, and I doubt Mr. Jerusalem does either.
26) Is hob_the_devil related to heeho? Haha, no.
27) Do brilliant_bug and in_enduring go to the same school? Not even REMOTELY.
28) How would couldvbeenmensa kill rogue_in_red? Um. With a gun?
29) What flavor of jello would x_ginta_x be? Roast beef.
30) Which of your friends should gremlinctrouble go out with? . . .
31) If gale_force took over the world, who would be happy? The Embryon.
32) Would you ever date sixtyonereasons? She's nice, I think. If we weren't both spoken for....maybe?
33) Would murdoc_nicalls be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate.
34) What would you do if brilliant_bug died? Offer my condolences to his friends.
35) Do you think victoria_sage is hot? . . .Um. She's...reasonably attractive...
36) Where did you first meet madeline_prince? In the Nexus, ages ago.
37) Is madeline_prince single? Y......es.
38) If _hophophop_ and domina_igne were siamese twins where would they be joined? The...arm? I don't ever understand this question.
39) Would sixtyonereasons go out with sublime_bolt? Probably not. Roland's too timid for someone like her.
40) Does mr_one_percent have a crush on madeline_prince? Heavens no.
41) One quality you find attractive in shiratorijun? She's honest, as far as I've seen.
42) Has starsescapist dyed their hair? I have no clue.
43) What is mercurialnature's biggest flaw? He can be vague, I guess.
44) Have you flirted with starsescapist? No.
45) Where was _ruthven_ born? Romania? Scotland? England? Somewhere in Europe is all I'm sure of.
46) Where would displaced_robo most like to visit? Here in Spain, I wish.
47) If h_hollister took over the world, who would suffer? Not me!
48) Is onlystraw your best friend? Hardly.
49) When did you last call domina_igne? Never. We're not exactly close.
50) One thing you can't stand about hannah28dl? She makes pop culture references I don't understand.
51) Is courtneycrumrin related to you? No one is.
52) If nightflowering and wadewilson were spliced together, what would it be like? Horrific.
53) If gremlinctrouble had a superpower, what would it be? . . .I don't like answering questions with her in it.
54) Does heeho do drugs? He'd better not!
55) Are sandersrocksit and slytherin_spy going steady? Hahaha, ugh!
56) gadgetqueen's hair color? Blonde.
57) Do you have gale_force's screenname? I don't know what that is.
58) Is starsescapist in a relationship? I'm not sure, and I don't feel it's exactly my business.
59) What would you do if you found out nightflowering has a crush on you? Blush and stammer, probably.
60) What exotic animal would mercurialnature like as a pet? A leopard.
61) If godinthelake and x_ginta_x were spliced together, what would be its name? Osintha.
62) Is cold_hope a college student? I believe she's a teacher.
63) Does crackofthunder have a dog? Probably not.
64) Has starsmedic been to your house/dorm? I believe so, yes. The flat, anyways. Not my castle.
65) What color should ziohazard dye their hair? He already has blue hair; I don't think anything else can top that.
66) What would displaced_robo give master_vex for his/her birthday? Some kind of useful gadget.
67) Is shiratorijun dead sexy? She's a very beautiful woman, but...
68) What planet should lust_for_life be from? Uranus.
69) What is startactician's favorite color? Blue?
70) Thoughts on domina_igne? Intelligent, powerful, interesting conversationalist.
71) What video game does man_of_means remind you of? I don't really play video games; I just watch people play them.
72) What rank would eileen303 have in a giant robot army? Um. Nurse? I don't really know her, so...
73) Would starspointman and cold_hope make a good couple? Not even remotely.
74) Does _ruthven_ have a big secret? He might.
75) Have you ever dated terry_cassidy? No.
76) How many monkeys could agnifireball fight at once and win against? Several! I'm guessing well into the 100s, especially if he was Agni.
77) Is techno_mancy an emo? I don't think so.
78) What song/movie would you recommend to madeline_prince? Not sure. Don't watch enough movies, and no music springs to mind.
79) Does uptothetask drink? Probably?
80) Are x_ginta_x and lust_for_life married? I just choked on my own spit a little.
81) Does mr_one_percent know godinthelake? Certainly not.
82) Would you make out with shiratorijun? ABSOLUTELY not.
83) Is secretarybird a nerd? He likes to write, but that doesn't make him a nerd.
84) Could you see spinsaweb and dirk__gently together? Not in a thousand years.
85) Would techno_mancy and re_ashleygraham look good together? Dios, what's with all these awful pairs? No!
86) What word best describes agnifireball? 'Passionate'.
87) Is wadewilson popular? Seems that way, but not really with ME.
88) How long have you known terry_cassidy? I met her the first time about a year ago.
89) What do you disagree with _hophophop_ about? I think we had something akin to an argument a long time ago about the consumption of blood...
90) How long would starsescapist dating _ruthven_ last? Not even a second.
91) What is eileen303's favorite game? I remember around one of the few times I've spoken with her, she was working on a crossword puzzle. So we'll just go with that.
92) Are unbroken and startactician going out? Of course not.
93) What is couldvbeenmensa's shoe size? Larger than mine?
94) What would courtneycrumrin think of gremlinctrouble? ...I think she admired her as another practioner of magic.
95) What animal does x_ginta_x remind you of? A wolf, of course.
96) Did starsmedic break up with you? No.
97) Is uptothetask a high school student? No.
98) Is axeprincess friends with techno_mancy? I don't know if they know eachother, but probably not.
99) Which president would axeprincess be likely to idolize? Er. I don't know any American presidents.
100) How would slytherin_spy conquer the world? With poisons and dry wit.

Hello, everyone. And how have you been? I'm sorry I've been either absent or...distant. I'm feeling and doing much better now.

((Apologies for MY absence. moving is hard lol))


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