- heavy rain (ps3) january;
- scott pilgrim vs. the world (ps3) january;
- broken sword: shadow of the templars (director's cut) (ds) january;
- ghost trick (ds) january;
- tetris ds (ds) january;
- mirror's edge (ps3) march;
- x-men arcade (ps3) march;
- final fantasy xiii (ps3) march;
- x-men arcade (ps3) march;
- batman: arkham asylum (ps3) april;
- fighting force (psx) april;
- assasin's creed 2 (ps3) may;
- super mario land (gb) june;
- outland (ps3) june;
- uncharted: drake's fortune (ps3) june;
- mortal kombat 2009 (ps3) july;
- uncharted 2: among thieves (ps3) july;
- super mario world (snes) august;
- super mario galaxy 2 (wii) september;
- shenmue (dc) october;
- metal slug (neo-geo) october;
- cadillacs and dinosaurs (cps) november;
- uncharted 3: drake's deception (ps3) november;
- where's my water (android) december;
- Dragon Ball Movie #1: Shenlong no Densetsu ;;;14.01 ★★★☆☆
- Black Swan ;;;14.01 ★★★☆☆
- Peacock ;;;15.01 ★★★★☆
- J'ai tué ma mère ;;;16.01 ★★★☆☆
- Sex and Breakfest ;;;16.01 ★★★☆☆
- Dragon Ball Movie #2: Majinjō no Nemuri Hime ;;;16.01 ★★☆☆☆
- Les Amours imaginaires ;;;16.01 ★★★☆☆
- Charlie st. Cloud ;;;17.01 ★★★☆☆
- Brothers ;;;17.01 ★★★☆☆
- Fatal Attraction ;;;25.01 ★★★★☆
- Ogniem i Mieczem ;;;29.01 ★★☆☆☆
- Pan Wołodyjowski ;;;29.01 ★☆☆☆☆
- Chłopi ;;;30.01 ★★☆☆☆
- The King's Speech ;;;02.02 ★★★★☆
- Lalka ;;;03.02 ★☆☆☆☆
- Nad Niemnem ;;;05.02 ★★★☆☆
- Ziemia Obiecana ;;;06.02 ★★★☆☆
- Zazdrość i medycyna ;;;10.02 ★★☆☆☆
- Przedwiośnie ;;;10.02 ★★☆☆☆
- Pocahontas* ;;;16.02 ★★★★★
- Titanic* ;;;16.02 ★★★★★
- The Little Mermaid* ;;;18.02 ★★★★★
- Spider-Man* ;;;19.02 ★★★★★
- Spider-Man 2* ;;;19.02 ★★★★★
- Spider-Man 3* ;;;20.02 ★★★★★
- Goonies ;;;21.02 ★★★★☆
- Ace Ventura: Pet Detective* ;;;21.02 ★★★☆☆
- Tarzan* ;;;21.02 ★★★★☆
- Closer* ;;;26.02 ★★★★★
- Once ;;;26.02 ★★★☆☆
- Unmade Beds* ;;;26.02 ★★★★★
- Cruel Intentions* ;;;27.02 ★★★★☆
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ;;;27.02 ★★★★★
- Scott Pilgrim vs. The World ;;;24.03 ★★★☆☆
- Closer* ;;;03.04 ★★★★★
- Fish Tank ;;;09.04 ★★★☆☆
- Amores perros ;;16.04 ★★★★☆
- Pocahontas* ;;01.05 ★★★★★
- Fight Club* ;;01.05 ★★★☆☆
- Closer* ;;;28.05 ★★★★★
- Austeria ;;;15.06 ★★☆☆☆
- Pocahontas* ;;;15.07 ★★★★★
- X-men: First Class ;;;20.07 ★★★★☆
- Ultimate Avengers ;;;22.07 ★★☆☆☆
- The Wizard ;;;24.07 ★★★★☆
- Pocahontas* ;;;29.07 ★★★★★
- Harry Potter and Deadly Hallows part 2 ;;;08.08 ★★★★☆
- Świnki ;;;17.08 ★★★☆☆
- Closer* ;;;05.11 ★★★★★
- Pocahontas* ;;;05.11 ★★★★★
- Aladdin* ;;;23.12 ★★★★★
- Home Alone* ;;;24.12 ★★★★★
★★★★★ - excellent;
★★★★☆ - good;
★★★☆☆ - just ok;
★★☆☆☆ - shitty;
★☆☆☆☆ - what the fuck was that?!;
* rewatched