Title: Unbreakable (2/?) Pairings: OT5 Genre: Angst Rating: PG-13 Summary: A little forgiveness can go a long way, but who's willing to take the first step?
This is really interesting! It's a nice change from the whole JYJ are the almighty saviours of the world genre many lawsuit!fics are like. Update soon.
I love Hyukjae so much in this fic. I suppose it is easier for him as Junsu was not leaving him but TVXQ and SME. But his hug, I am sure comforted Junsu.
Comments 7
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I wanted to try something different with Junsu's character.
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
This was so good
thanks for reading :P
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hopefully Changmin will forgive Junsu? :S
It's a nice change from the whole JYJ are the almighty saviours of the world genre many lawsuit!fics are like. Update soon.
I thought it would be nice to portray a different side of the story, one that doesn't involve bashing SM (:
I love Hyukjae so much in this fic.
I suppose it is easier for him as Junsu was not leaving him but TVXQ and SME.
But his hug, I am sure comforted Junsu.
I cannot wait to read the next chapter.
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