Name: Anwei Ayles
Age: 39(?) years
Sex: Female
Height: 66 inch/167 cm
Weight: 160 lbs/75 kg
[ ] Magical by nature/practices magic.
[ ] Can't have magic used on.
[ ] Contagious (see notes).
Average Lifespan: 60 years
Rate of Maturity: Non-sentient until 10 years old, then accelerated maturity
Average age of Puberty: 12 years
Normal Diet: Carnivorous until 10 years old, then omnivorous. Human-equivalent dietary needs; elevated protein requirements
Common Ailments: Human-equivalent colds, fevers
Specific Notes: The Living People have very little genetic variation, and only one blood type. Eyes pointing in different directions is common and not a sign of injury.
All of the following sense-related questions are to be answered in comparison to an average Homo sapiens. Ask your medical provider for assistance in answering this section.
Blood Pressure: [X] Average | [ ] Low | [ ] High
Vision: [ ] Fine | [ ] Near Sighted | [ ] Far Sighted | [X] Enhanced
If Enhanced, further explain: Poor vision in low-light conditions, but can see into the ultraviolet range
Hearing: [ ] Deaf | [ ] Low | [X] Average | [ ] High Range | [ ] Low Range | [ ] Extremely Sensitive
If necessary, further explain:
Smell: [ ] Cannot Smell | [ ] Low | [ ] Average | [X] High | [ ] Extremely Sensitive
If Extremely Sensitive, further explain:
Known Allergies: none
Are there any potential complications with healing processes we should be aware of when treating you?: No.
Do you have a healing factor different from the average for your species? If so, explain how here: No.
Have you recently been screened for species, sex, and age specific cancer risks?: No.
Special notes on care: None.
Record of Past Injuries: History of mental illness. Multiple surface injuries with some scarring. Left arm surgically removed below the elbow and reattached. Two ovaries (out of 3) surgically removed with corresponding low hormone levels. Left eye damaged in training; repaired without long-term effect. Artificial appendix.
Ship Health Records: On a recent mission, subjected to long-term mind control. No debilitating long-term effects noted so far.
Date of Last Menses/Estrus/Equiv (skip if n/a):
Have you ever been sexually active?: Yes.
Are you currently Sexually Active: No.
Have you recently been screened for STIs?: No.
Species specific sexually related health notes and/or issues: Heightened risk of species-specific STIs, and cancers, due to complex reproductive system.
Are you or should you be on any prescribed medication? If so, list below: No.
Have you taken any recreational or non-prescribed drugs or substances in the past? Is so, please list them and their frequency of use below: Euphorics, emotion-altering drugs, alcohol; infrequently.
Do you currently take any recreational or non-prescribed drugs or substances? Is so, please list them and their frequency of use below: Alcohol; infrequently.