91daes Round 4: Grab Bag Edition! Introduction Post

Jul 29, 2016 22:35

Hello and welcome back to 91daes! If you remember us, we’re a project dedicated to the OT3 of SuChenLay! We’ll be holding our project differently this time, so please read this post carefully!

The first thing that’s different is the way our project works. Instead of getting a prompt where the basic storyline is listed out, we’ll be doing a grab bag project based on stories from any and all mediums be it books, movies, tv shows, videogames, anime, etc! Confused? Not to worry, Mod R was at first, too, but here’s how it works!

A grab bag is when a writer gets a number of random prompts which they need to use in their fic. When prompting, what you’ll have to do is list down 3 words (or phrases, should you so choose!) related to that story, henceforth known as AU. For example:

    Harry Potter
  1. Love Potion
  2. Magical Creatures
  3. A Curse

    Lord of The Rings
  1. Elves
  2. War
  3. A Party of People

Each AU will be limited to 10 prompt submissions, so there will be a total of 30 prompts in total for each AU, as each word (or phrase!) counts as 1 prompt. We’ll be making an announcement when we’ve reached our limit for any AUs.

For this project, writers need to use a minimum of two prompts in their fics - you’ll be receiving 3, just like how it was prompted! When claiming arrives, writers will choose which AU they would like to receive prompts from, but what they won’t know is which prompts they will receive. All prompts will be random, so there’s an element of surprise!

However, if you receive something you’re unfamiliar with, even in the AU, you don’t actually have to write within that AU, so rest assured! For example, if you received ‘Magical Creatures’ from Harry Potter, but you’re not that familiar with the creatures that roam J. K. Rowling’s world, you can write something else entirely; A Faerie AU, perhaps. The only limit is - excuse my cheese - your imagination!

Rules! Rules are important, so here are ours!
  1. Our project is based around the Suho/Chen/Lay OT3, so please keep your fics to this OT3 or pairings within: Suho/Lay, Suho/Chen, Lay/Chen! OT3+s are acceptable, as well!
  2. The minimum word count for our project this time is 1,500 words. You’ve got 3 months to write your fic, plenty of time! :>
  3. 91daes will not tolerate any hate towards any of the ex-members. We understand that this is a sensitive matter to some; You can leave them out of your fics, but any hate will not be accepted.
  4. You can include other artists in your fics, of course, whether they be from SMTOWN, anyone they’ve worked with outside of EXO, even those they’ve never met before! Again, your imagination’s the limit!
  5. We will not be accepting any fics with dub-con, non-con and incest and we hope all participants will respect this decision. Any other triggers must be included in the warnings.

Did everyone get that? Yes? Then check out the important dates that you should - because the mods here have! - scribble down onto your calendar.

The Important Dates!
12 August 2016: Prompting Opens
2 September 2016: Prompting Closes
3 September 2016: Claiming Opens
28 September 2016: 1st Check In (500w)
28 October 2016: 2nd Check In (1,000w) + Dropout deadline if you claimed early!
21 November 2016: Claiming Closes
28 November 2016: Final Submissions Due (1,500w)
2 December 2016: Postings Begin!
9 December 2016: Postings End
TBD: Reveals

If you have any other questions, confusions, pictures to throw at the mods, etc, just shoot us an email (91daesmods@gmail.com), DM, or even just a tweet on twitter ( @91daes)! We’re all here to answer your questions, so don’t be shy!

the Mods~

INTRO ☆ PromptingSign-ups

!mod, 2016, !intro post, r4

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