Title: Something Short of a Miracle
Author: 93rdfragment
Pairing: KaiSoo
Rating: PG (I’m not too sure what to rate this as…)
Warning: transgender Kyungsoo (transman or FTM)
Summary: Kyungsoo finds out he’s pregnant.
We have the right to have a family of our own... )
Comments 6
I wanted to create a realistic situation to get Kyungsoo pregnant and came up with this. (Because I'm also a sucker for pregnant!Soo...) And I'm glad the gravity of the situation came across well for a pretty short one-shot.
You're welcome! I'll definitely write more of this so we all have more beautiful trans!kaisoo moments. :D
this drabble feels so magical for me ;_____; i don't even know what to say except its beautiful and i love it.
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